
Chapter Eight of Heiress has been published. Y'all gonna be shocked.


@MademoiselleTwig where can I find the sequel  it is not showing 


Sorry for the unintended hiatus from Heiress. I am currently working on my math class. I’m severely behind, and so before I get to a spot where I’m comfortable in concerns of my lessons, I will not be updating. My “education” unfortunately comes first and I must sadly abide by that, no matter how much I want to push it away.
          I’ll update hopefully soon. My best estimate is in two weeks. 


Chapter Fifteen will be up tomorrow (Monday.) I took a few days off because it was Thanksgiving break. Anyway, Chapter Fifteen will be up tomorrow either in the afternoon or in the evening. Depends on when I wake up. Thank you guys for your patience and I hope my fellow Americans had an amazing Thanksgiving this year! Thank you!