
Hello there! I just got to say, thank you for following me. I have read your bio, and I feel like we could be the type of people to be friends. I see you are a gamer, so might I ask what genres and franchises you like to play? ^-^


@TessaTGF Will look into it! Have a nice day


@TessaTGF Ah, you got good taste! I definitely love Layers of Fear! I know most people say it is not a fun horror game because you really can't fight back or anything, but I believe that just adds to the fear of it, and I feel it is a very good game because the atmosphere in itself just radiates a chilling vibe.
            And yes, I enjoy chill games. You should look into Animal Crossing or Slime Ranchers if you haven't already. 
            I personally really love RPG and combat franchises like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Bioshock.


@TessaTGF I like horror games, mostly ones with a deep story. Like layers of fear, outlast, little nightmeres, etc. Or just calm and fun games like minecraft.. Ooh! And combat games. 