
Okay, so I only had one story up on here, from the first week or so that I was on Wattpad. I honestly haven't done anything with it, on site or off, so I deleted it. I think what I'm going to do instead, is post my fanfiction stories here chapter by chapter when I get done with them on so I... Well basically so I have an excuse to use Wattpad. Maybe I'll start posting my own stories again when I'm done with my current fanfictions, but not right now. So... yeah. 100 Pounds of Salem is no more until I get back to working on it off site. If I even want to continue working on it.
          	'Kay then! That was it. Toodles, love ya! <3


Okay, so I only had one story up on here, from the first week or so that I was on Wattpad. I honestly haven't done anything with it, on site or off, so I deleted it. I think what I'm going to do instead, is post my fanfiction stories here chapter by chapter when I get done with them on so I... Well basically so I have an excuse to use Wattpad. Maybe I'll start posting my own stories again when I'm done with my current fanfictions, but not right now. So... yeah. 100 Pounds of Salem is no more until I get back to working on it off site. If I even want to continue working on it.
          'Kay then! That was it. Toodles, love ya! <3


over at this point crap advice I know but nothing else to do but keep moving forward as far as the fake smiles no need to do that round me being as I'd rather know how your REALLY feeling lol besides the real ones are prettier and sincerely glad you pointed out that this wasn't a suicide note knowing what one looks like that was freaking me out a bit lol and I doubt the world could lose another eccentric soul like yourself without taking severe damage lol as long as you can get ahold of me dear I'm always here for you nothing is to horrible that we can't talk it out.


I let the dog out for 5 minutes
          and go to use the bathroom. I
          hear mom let him in and i 
          figure 'ok i can go read since
          theyre home'. A minute or two
          later pappy comes over and 
          says jed MAULED 2 of his chickens.
          And mom says something along 
          the lines of 'MY NAME has been home
          but i havent seen her'. So now its on
          me bcuz i didnt keep an eye on him.
          Things like this building up since 
          school started just come at me all at
           once when it happens again, no matter
          how many times i tell myself "ITS DONE.
          GET OVER IT" and i just end up crying and
          putting on fake smiles for people who dont
          realize i do this to myself. IM JUST
          DONE. I HATE LIFE        (not a suicide not 
          btw lol, cuz it prob sounds that way. I
          just HATE LIFE and when it decides to dump
          all this crap on me)


So I didn't exactly have a bad day at school. It was more of a bad day after school. My step-dad has always said to me that I could talk to him about anything, or just to talk. All I needed to do was send a text. Lately, his phone hadn't been working, so I didn't bother. But today I just decided "What the hell, I'm gonna try to send something anyway after this sh*tty day" (Mind you, I'm not one to usually curse. So it went like this:
          Dad u there?
                                                                                       0-o I got a message odd but yes what's up?
           Lol. I just need to talk to someone 
          other than me and the people in my
                                                                                         I'm surprised you were able to reach me 
                                                                                         being as my phone hasn't let me message 
                                                                                         either of you for while now (me or my 
                                                                                         sister). That having been said everything 
                                                                                         alright? Not that I mind the messages
          Yeah I just maybe kinda sorta feel
          like im really messed up and can't
           get a damn thing right lol
                                                                                            What brought this on hun?


I don't get on here much, but I tend to get on a lot more. So if you (meaning the three people who follow me and only bcuz they know me in RL lol) want to read more of my pure randomness, craziness etc. go follow me there! Username: alichesswondr88