Helllllooooo there people!:D

My name is Maci and here is somethings about me(:

1). Full name is Maci Lee Gram
2). Age is just a number so that's not important....
3). I live in the U.S.A:D
4). 5SOS, All Time Low, One Direction, Ed Sheeran and many more are just amazing
5). Cake and Mashton are the best ships in the world!(;
6). My friends and family mean the world to me.
7). My favorite 5SOS song is Beside You or Unpredictable(:
8). "I play guitar, but she's into drummers," is my favorite line out of the songs.
9). Try Hard is my favorite music video EVERRRR
10). What color Michael's hair is going to be next is one is my biggest conflicts:L

Oh yeah and I am new to this so please no hate if my stories suck??
  • In gus bus with 5sos
  • JoinedMay 23, 2013
