
I just published the full Chapter 9 of Save Me, Alpha. It took a while because I had to rewrite it, but I think its okay.


I was getting ready to upload another chapter, but I realized that Chapter 9 of Save Me, Alpha wasn’t fully uploaded and I lost all of the rest of it. Before I upload another chapter, I will have to rewrite it. I’m sorry everyone.


I am working on the next chapter of Save Me, Alpha as this is going up. I hope it will be up today, but it will be up tomorrow at the latest. I haven’t been updating because I have been enjoying summer vacation the week before I have to go back to school for a math course. Thanks for understanding.


Hello, today, since it is a Friday, will have another update of Save Me, Alpha. Today’s chapter, though t has nothing to do with her, is dedicated to my sister Hannah. Even though she doesn’t read my book, it’s her birthday. I also want to thank my 25 readers, and never thought my book would have this many one week into it.