
Exciting news!
          	1. I have updated Gremlins finally 
          	2. thanks to the idea from @duetyarlatro_evk, I have created a Neobook account and am now moving some of my more popular stories on her to Neobook as well. 
          	So everyone knows, I try and cross post and update so everything is at the same point. 
          	I have account on a03, here on Wattpad, Quotev, and now Neobook. 
          	I will let everyone know when I create more accounts on sites you might prefer :)


Exciting news!
          1. I have updated Gremlins finally 
          2. thanks to the idea from @duetyarlatro_evk, I have created a Neobook account and am now moving some of my more popular stories on her to Neobook as well. 
          So everyone knows, I try and cross post and update so everything is at the same point. 
          I have account on a03, here on Wattpad, Quotev, and now Neobook. 
          I will let everyone know when I create more accounts on sites you might prefer :)


Hey guys!
          Soooooo yes, I am making a Harry Potter series... I still write my own works, but my brain had a TikTok concept and was like "Hey! Let's make it a book with more chaos!" 
          And I just went through my notifications and saw that there were actually people here reading and somewhat liking the story soooo... YAY!
          I just wanted to say thanks for anyone who is liking the Gremlins of Chaos and that I am trying to finish the first one as fast as possible cause I already have the second one plotted out, but I just need to somehow get the last couple chapters out. 
          I also have been cross posting it on a03, but if you don't want all the author notes, probably stick here, cause I only really post the chapters on here instead of the author notes. 
          Anyways, rant aside, have a lovely day/night folks!


          It will be a while before I start posting the next book of Hero's Fight because I like to write a giant rough draft of each book before I go through and make the final edits for Wattpad. 
          It is already in progress and another reason why these last chapters have been taking so long. 
          One of the biggest reasons why I am taking forever is because of the representation I'm trying to do with my stories. Almost every single one of these characters is a part of the LGBTQ+ community in some way. Some of them I picture as mixed, and I want to represent them justly. I have posted an informational book to help with any confusion people have. 
          One of the characters was causing me a bit of difficulty in making sure I represent a community right. I have many different orientations in this book, from Bi, Lesbian, Transgender man and woman, non-binary, you name it. If I miss an orientation, I am sorry I am still expanding my knowledge. 
          ANYWAYS! Hope you all have a great day!


          I know that it took forever, but I went through serious editing to make sure that the story makes sense -_-
          I am hoping to get the next chapter out quicker, but I can't guarantee it. It might become y'all's Christmas present from me ;)


School sucks! 
          I have been doing scholarship essays, college essays, high school work, and am trying to write stories at the same time... I can only take so much!
          (I had to rant, sorry. I will try to get the next chapter of Tough Helper out this weekend.)


Hey! My first ever announcement! Yay!
          Anyways, I want to apologize if people are actually waiting for me to continue the Hero's Fight series. I AM working on the second book, but it is in severe editing as of right now. I am also in school, so I only have so much free time to work on these stories. I will try to get the series rolling, cause I have BIG plans for it :)