
Anyone want to link me some Guzma x reader? *Double finger gun point and click*
          	I can only find two stories and one is for guys and last time I checked, I'm not a dude. :/


OMG. WHY. I knew that I would always have a small number of followers, but wow. I never thought people would actually take the time to follow me! If you actually took the time to check out my Sudomemo page, then you would know that I love each and everyone who follows me anywhere. So to see that you guys are following me and voting on my stories makes me feel as if I don't deserve to have you guys, due to my tendency to not update anything for long periods of time. In concerns for Line of Aces, character design has been finished and character building(personality) for Spade and Heart has been finished. Club and Diamond have yet to have work be done. Finally, the Fire Red Nuzlock will hopefully have a new update by the end of the week.


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Guys, seriously. Check out the Essay. Good god what did I write.
          Also, the Line of Aces is currently still in the character processing stage, but is nearly complete. The prologue is going to be made and published soon. I'm going to be working on the works, next week because... well... spring break!
          Yeeeee. All week, Imma be working on animations, the prolouge, and so on. Also, come do shit with me! Be stupid with me on steam and stuff. 90% of my current profile names are under the name Gloworm or a version like that. Be stupid with me next week, It's gonna be awesome!


:/ Alright, an update on my current publishing status:
          I'm prematurely putting up my undertale... thing... soon, since I have no idea of where I'm driving this........ thing, and I would like some help from you beautiful people X3
          Also, my sister and I are going to be making an original series together, with the prolouge, and two different stories on my side, and the other two on her side. The only other thing I can say though is that the name is "The Ace Line."


Guys, I want to start on something, but I don't know what.
          My undertale complete shot isn't yet done, and is a bit dry on the idea table. So that's taking a while longer (Probably coming out in like... March)
          Short Stories is where I'm putting my main focus on while writing, but those take time as well.
          I need something else to do. I was thinking about doing something like 'Law of Talos' or 'Escape to Nevara'
          Check them both out on youtube, great things from years ago.
          But I have no idea how to get that to work on here.
          Please help me! '^-^