
What's up fam? Hope y'all are doing great.
          	So if you haven't noticed yet, I've unpublished all the MacBaszler Files ( The english ones anyway ‍♂️). This is al a part of a new arrangement.
          	So from now on all of my poetry will be comprised in one ensemble called the MacBaszler Bible . It's gonna be my new go-to place for all my poetic work.
          	So don't be shy, go on ahead and check it out. I really hope you'll like it.


What's up fam? Hope y'all are doing great.
          So if you haven't noticed yet, I've unpublished all the MacBaszler Files ( The english ones anyway ‍♂️). This is al a part of a new arrangement.
          So from now on all of my poetry will be comprised in one ensemble called the MacBaszler Bible . It's gonna be my new go-to place for all my poetic work.
          So don't be shy, go on ahead and check it out. I really hope you'll like it.