I’m back to not liking my story covers again smh. 


I know I haven’t written in a while, sorry about that. I’m so tired after work and I’m struggling with writer’s block, and tbh, I’ve been binging The Mentalist (watching for the first time. It’s amazing!”).
          Two shows I’ve always wanted to write are Castle and Violetta. And after I finish my current stories, I might give it a second thought, but only if there are people who are interested. 
          And I’m open to ideas. 


I find Chicago PD so boring to write about sometimes, because it’s mostly cases. I feel like I have skipped so many episodes. 
          This is a bit of a spoiler 
          I skipped several episodes in season 3, but I will try to write more in the following seasons because Amy and Jay will be together and I want to try and write more personal scenes— more fluff maybe. And obviously angst. I just want to get over the third season. 
          Plus I have to write season 4 of Chicago Fire. 


Something people need to hear in 2024:
          — Criticism is okay and welcomed, because that’s how we learn and improve. 
          — Celebrities don’t need to accept you, your sexual orientation or gender identity. You know who does? You! You and the people the closest to you (friends and family). You don’t need validation from Hollyweird, just yourself and the people you love and care about. 
          — I know it must be annoying to be misgendered, but it’s also annoying to be yelled at by a stranger— online or in real life— and be shamed for using the wrong pronouns. If you accept yourself, you don’t need strangers to validate you. You know yourself better than anyone, so just live your life because you won’t be happy if you focus on everyone else. 
          — We all have different opinions and that’s okay. 
          — Not all democrats are the same. 
          — Not all republicans are the same.