
hey its amber and for anyone that reads our book and is looking for a another  josh ramsay fan fic here are mine starting with the ever first one
  (have not updated this book in a while)
          	hope you guys like these books


hey its amber and for anyone that reads our book and is looking for a another  josh ramsay fan fic here are mine starting with the ever first one

 (have not updated this book in a while)

          hope you guys like these books


Sorry that we havent posted a new chapter of our story Leah as been super busy with work and i have been super super busy with school cause my grad is coming up in less then three mouths and i still have to get my dress fixed cause it is a little to big for me cause it was my sisters old grad dress so me and my mom have to go it the dress fixed so that is will fix me with out me pulling it up every time it some what falls down. 
          we will try and have a new chapter up soon i hope hopefully written by Leah or me that is id Leah wants me too
          Love you all


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          Me And Leah Have Been BFF Sis For Two Mouths Now We Would Not Change A Thing Because If Me And Her Won't BFF Sis's Then This Account Would Not Have Happened Where You Guys Have Two Amazing Writers Coming Together And Writing A Book For You Guys.... And Thank You All For Reading Our Book On Here We Love You All So Much Hugss....
          <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3