@ashIey Hey!!! Its Paul! You know? Sarahs brother. Im with MAYA right now and i just got a Wattpad! I am planning on using wattpad alot. (from maya) hey ashleaf please fan paul back on pudding and elite :)


          Oh, psha!!!!! I knew THAT! XDDD I'm such a bad liar.  I was wondering I was like "Well, it has to b someone we both know, cause maya and I don't have any hardcore fans who would go around fanning all of our accounts."  It all makes sense now.  :)  Well, hi Paul!  And hola maya.  I'll fan on pudding, but you know there are rules about fanning on elite....I'd hate to be hypocritical...  Don't worry, I would fan if I could on elite, but I'll make it up to you somehow.  Ill tell my friennds to fan and stuff.  XD