
I'm gonna finish writing the next chapter for Unwanted Glitch, then put the story under hiatus. I don't really want to continue making this story because I'm unmotivated to continue it. It was a good idea on paper, but when actually writing it, it was just...eh, idk. With that said, I'm gonna put the story under hiatus when I publish the next chapter, however, considering how I don't want to really make this story anymore, I might make it closed entirely. The story can still be viewed and read, but it will 99% not be getting anymore updates. Just needed to say that, so yeah


Are You Still Re-Writing The Vilain Sans Squad C My Hero Academia Or You Quit Wattpad?


@MJO240 k, have a nice day dude


@WARNIDK I definitely didn't quit. I've just been doing a lot of stuff this summer that Wattpad just wasn't my biggest priority. And yes, I'm rewriting VSS x MHA, but don't expect it to come out anytime soon


I'm gonna finish writing the next chapter for Unwanted Glitch, then put the story under hiatus. I don't really want to continue making this story because I'm unmotivated to continue it. It was a good idea on paper, but when actually writing it, it was just...eh, idk. With that said, I'm gonna put the story under hiatus when I publish the next chapter, however, considering how I don't want to really make this story anymore, I might make it closed entirely. The story can still be viewed and read, but it will 99% not be getting anymore updates. Just needed to say that, so yeah


Unwanted Glitch reached #1 on #error404sans! Holy crap! I know it's only like 4 stories using this hashtag but still, that's awesome! I might continue Unwanted Glitch due to its sudden rise that I never thought it would reach. Let me know what y'all think


@CmanDupree When I publish them, yeah 


Heh. May I read them.


Just made a new story. Yep, that's all. Hope you enjoy the prologue


@MJO240 and then the next time i see you at school i mar your insides (walking dead reference) and feast like a king because all that muscle is deliscioso to me hoss


@mossyreum Nightmare is gonna kill Loona now 


@MJO240 can nightmare kiss and marry loona thankssss


Y'know what, I might as well just stop announcing whenever I say I'll be releasing a new story or chapter because almost every time, it's never the case. It's probably really irritating to anyone who reads my announcements only to get the same result. From now on, I will no longer be announcing anymore release dates for stories or chapters cause it's almost always never gonna release on that date. I'll be announcing normal stuff like "I'm working on another story I wanted to make" or something like that. So yeah, just wanna apologize for this common occurrence and I can assure you I won't be doing it again 


I'm gonna take a break writing Unwanted Glitch again cause like last time, I don't really know where to carry the story. Last time I announced this, I said I'll be making a Y/N story called "Symbiotes Arise" and although I HAVE made it, like Unwanted Glitch, I don't know where to carry the story. I could probably make a good ten or more chapters out of it but lose motivation after that. That's why I'm working and soon publishing a new Y/N story called Infinity (Male Reader x Multiverse). Unlike most stories, I do know how to pick this story up and where to take the plot since I'm nowhere near as limited to just My Hero. I don't even know why I write so many My Hero Academia stories when I haven't been into it in a hot minute LMAO. Back to what I was saying, this Y/N story is gonna be very interesting and cool that I believe a lot of you will enjoy. I'll be publishing it pretty soon, so be prepared for that.