For anybody wondering, yes, I'm still alive.
I guess you can say that I took a long break.
Yes, I still draw and write.

For anybody that knew me and who I was, I changed a lot. I want to tie together loose ends due to the fact that I abruptly left, but I don't know how to do that.
But, for the small chance that anybody that knew me is reading this, I want to tell you something.
Disregard anything I ever said. I was never in the right mindset and would say the most random stuff and would say things without thinking how it would affect others.
I apologize if I ever upset anyone or hurt their feelings. I apologize if I ever said anything offensive or was just annoying and all that jazz.

If anybody wants to contact me, you can contact me on here, but I'm not on that often, so expect replies to come really late.

I hope everyone is doing well and having a nice day.

This description was updated on March 21, 2020.
  • Somewhere.
  • JoinedSeptember 21, 2016