
I think I've gotten everything more or less under control- it appears that the hacker mostly just followed a bunch of accounts that I didn't recognize. If I had followed you during that time, I apologize for the confusion, but that wasn't me. Especially those of you that are German or otherwise non-English writers- I'm sure your works are lovely, but I am unable to read them, and thus following you would sort of be pointless. Thank you for your understanding, and if you ever see something like this happen again (mass account following (especially with foreign languages), changing my bio, etc) PLEASE send me a dm. I'm not on here that often, so a DM (which gives me an e-mail notification) will get my attention much faster. Thank you all again.


I think I've gotten everything more or less under control- it appears that the hacker mostly just followed a bunch of accounts that I didn't recognize. If I had followed you during that time, I apologize for the confusion, but that wasn't me. Especially those of you that are German or otherwise non-English writers- I'm sure your works are lovely, but I am unable to read them, and thus following you would sort of be pointless. Thank you for your understanding, and if you ever see something like this happen again (mass account following (especially with foreign languages), changing my bio, etc) PLEASE send me a dm. I'm not on here that often, so a DM (which gives me an e-mail notification) will get my attention much faster. Thank you all again.


          I've been hacked, I'm not sure when it happened. The only things I've posted within the last month or so were a couple replies to comments in my review book. Thank you for your understanding while I get this fixed and possibly break some swearing legs-


Danke fürs folgen :)


@firebal Hallo, ich habe entdeckt, dass ich gehackt wurde, als ich offline war. Ich entschuldige mich für die Verwirrung. Sie scheinen ein wunderbarer Autor zu sein, aber ich spreche oder lese kein Deutsch. Mach weiter so!


@firebal Kein Problem! :) Ich fürchte, ich spreche kein Deutsch. Ich entschuldige mich für alle probleme von Google Translate.