
Heyyy guess what? My first marching band parade is today and I'm getting ready for it! I don't know how to feel about it though-


this message may be offensive
How the fuck do I have attachment issues and jealously issues? And there both terrible! I mean I get jealous easily and I'm currently having some type of attachment issues I think cause I'm missing my boyfriend so much- Okay maybe it isn't attachment issues? I'm not sure anymore


HELPPPPP, I was looking at my old Dork Diaries Diary and I saw one like, who gives you butterflies and it was my old crushes and I was like, "ewwww" but then I saw I said Margus (Someone would know) and I started laughing my ass off and was like, "yesss Margus!" (Funny enough, this guy is supposed to represent my boyfriend-)


My mom has to stay up later cause tomorrow she has to go to an appointment relating to her strokes and brain and they require her to have 5-6 hours of sleep so I'm staying up with her so she doesn't have to be alone, currently I'm watching 'The Fifth Element' with her :D


So I might have a phase.... It may be musicals, it's not my fault, my boyfriend started it with watching Hamilton with me, were currently thinking of watching Heathers The Musical next-


I- That's a phase, and I think we're thinking two different things lol


@M3l0dyyyyyyy I was never in a 2020 phase where I thought I was depressed and had 20 different mental illnesses soo I can't get out of the phase... unlike some ppl (jk)


@Blue_berries52 That, isn't a phase- Well it is for some people- I don't think you are out of it though


Guys I don't think I'm mentally okay, I might just stay super late tonight so possibly a new chapter in something today???


Hey, can anyone teach me how to respond to vents and try to help the person? I've been having a hard time trying to help to someone and right now I know there not okay. I wanna help them but I just don't want to respond with something small like, "oh" or something like that


I may or may not be super freaking out right now....
          I was trying to read a comic on another website (I should just stayed on Webtoon) and I got a pop-up message on the website and I thought I clicked out of it but I got a notification saying my laptop has a virus and I need to something about it, I tell my dad this and he says that he is going to look at it tommorow, I literally feel like the virus is going to take over my laptop before he does something, so I'm freaking out right now, I don't know what to do


@ZOMB3RRY_KILLERZ Okay nothing is there but what type of computer do you have?