
I'm a bit excited...understatement of the century. I'm frickin' elated. I started reading Tower of Dawn (SJM for all you people who don't know)...and...that first sentence just brought me to tears. I swear if I didn't have school, I'd finish the whole thing in like two hours, but no. 
          	Also,  because of school *cries*, I won't be posting much at all. I've been coming up with a new story line in my head, but I most likely will have no time to write it. I'm eternally sorry :(


I'm a bit excited...understatement of the century. I'm frickin' elated. I started reading Tower of Dawn (SJM for all you people who don't know)...and...that first sentence just brought me to tears. I swear if I didn't have school, I'd finish the whole thing in like two hours, but no. 
          Also,  because of school *cries*, I won't be posting much at all. I've been coming up with a new story line in my head, but I most likely will have no time to write it. I'm eternally sorry :(


Well...yeah. I haven't updated in forever and I'm not sure how much I will be able to for the remainder of the summer. I have billions of story drafts with paragraph summaries, and horrible writers block for things I've published parts of. In lieu of generating a new story idea, I AM PUTTING ALL OTHER STORIES ON HOLD until the one I'm trying to write now is done. I am sorry...I'm a liar because I said I'd update three times a month  the first chapter of the new story will be up asap. I'm out of commission for a couple weeks, but will continue to write but not post. Thank you for understanding etc.


My plan for the next couple months for Feysand and Rowaelin stuff (TRoV will be updated in July)
          1) "PAINT" one shot (Feysand)
          2)  "OLD" one shot (Rowaelin)
          3) "ROWAELIN REUNITE" several parts (Rowaelin)
          4) "BRYAXIS" one, two, or three shot (Feysand)
          5) MORTAL AUs FOR BOTH
          please suggest more!! Thank you all so much


Love your username! 


@LyraJackson The Daughter of the Sea. It's not my best work, but it has Lyra Jackson in it, and she was the first OC I every made.


Which story?


Ahhhh! That's so cool


New update on The CLAP Quartet series:
          There will be four novellas in a single 'book.' For this, it'll be The Ring of Voices and three others. Each novella will be ~15-20 chapters long, ~80-120 pages in Microsoft Word. I might write a sequel to the whole book sometime in the future. 
          --Iris Li


Oi!! To all y'all who are reading this:
          The third chapter of TRoV is hella long, so I won't post it till February or something. The issue is that chapter two sucked af so now I need to add all the stuff I didn't do in chapter two to chapter three and write the stuff that should be in chapter three. Sorry, but I'll work on my Feysand/Feyrhys stuff and Roses from the South (which I notice nobody's read--please do, I'll update relatively soon if any of you read it, comment, vote, etc.)