
Also, I hope to publish Every Witch Wolf Way tomorrow after some edits (my other new work) as I write updates for Accepting the Alpha and yes HOME!


@Lyfeo_M_Jay yay hi I'm so happy you are back


@Lyfeo_M_Jay  Great to see you back, so looking forward to the reading journey!!!!
          	  Already loving Farrow!!!!


Looking forward to the new story, thank you for the updates.❤️


I apologize for posting my story here, dear author.... I'm new here and it'll help if y'all check out my first ever book. Thank you❤

          A tale of UNSPOKEN LOVE............. 
          Dainty fingers moved carefully across the sketchbook. With each skillful stroke of the artists delicate hand, a familiar face formed on the paper -handsome and sharp. Theo found himself sketching his best friend again.
          The book, full of sketches belonging to a certain Spaniard, testified Theos deep love and longing towards him. But the fear of possible rejection, drowns Theo in sadness, stopping him from taking the leap.
          Will Theos love bring him warmth of acceptance or coldness of rejection?
          Meanwhile, the aforementioned Spaniard finally decides to put an end to his suffering by laying his heart bare, letting the other see his aching soul, yearning to feel the warmth of his love. Only to realize that he's awfully too late...


Heyy dear writer,
          I have read a few of your works and had to reach out. I am absolutely in love with your writing style and how your books have the ability to suck your readers into a world that makes reality fade away for a few moments.
           I'm reaching out from an editing agency named The Script Surgeons, regarding your books.
           We specialize in editing and would love to discuss how we can assist in refining your work. 
           Are you open to a conversation about this?
          You can contact us on instagram on @yashica_xx or via email on


Also, I hope to publish Every Witch Wolf Way tomorrow after some edits (my other new work) as I write updates for Accepting the Alpha and yes HOME!


@Lyfeo_M_Jay yay hi I'm so happy you are back


@Lyfeo_M_Jay  Great to see you back, so looking forward to the reading journey!!!!
            Already loving Farrow!!!!


Looking forward to the new story, thank you for the updates.❤️


Hey guys, I don't know if its a Wattpad glitch or a very sneaky idiot trying to hack my account but I couldn't get my stories on here to appear on my profile, but the problem seems to be fixed and cheers to updates for both A Guide To Loving Farrow Adolfo and Being Jackson.


@Lyfeo_M_Jay i just read the new book and I'm so excited.. looking forward to more updates


Thank you so very much for the new story and update on Being Jackson.
            Hope you are well, nice to see you back .❤️❤️


Yes! And Im sorry, I know I said I'm back and I meant it, its just that I've been busy with work since I got transferred to another department and there's this gorgeous guy whose made it his mission to make me feel horrible, it is both arousing and confusing I tell you.
          Buuuut I will be publishing my two new stories this coming Wednesday and also updates on Being Jackson and hopefully my other ongoing works, I hope youre all doing great, All My Love Jay!


@Lyfeo_M_Jay it's ok Beautiful just take ur time 


@Lyfeo_M_Jay Just be careful my dear... report him to be on the safe side and don't let him trample on you but be smart about it. The Lord is your strength. 
            [   carefully document every harassment for future reference ]. Talk to him directly to find out why he's treating you that way, am rooting for you. 
            Take care. Will be Waiting for your new story.


@Lyfeo_M_Jay I agree with @MysticGrl1 There is absolutely no cause for Workplace Harassment. If you try talking to him & it doesn't work, go directly to either HR or the Boss. If he is your Boss, go higher up to his Boss. It doesn't mean that you are an *ss kisser or a status climber.... Screw those who think so. Those who say that are the ones that are.  And Reporting him also does not make you a Whistleblower either. 
            Just think of how many others he has done this to that has backed off or quit because of his behavior. Completely unacceptable. 
            Stand up & make some noise!! (Ok, I really wanted to say to stand up & roar... )