
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. My notifications don't work.


Am I the only one who thinks that Is There Somewhere by Halsey could be a duet about Arnold and Helga. Hear me outthe 1st stanza is sung by Arnold .2nd and 3rd by Helga ,the 4th by Arnold ,and the last 2 both of them  singing. This is just a thought  I had and wanted to put it out there in the world  for people  to see. Thanks for listening  to my Ted talk


@Lydiadeez OMG i already liked you because you read my story and commented on it but you also love halsey so now you're practically my bff lol. and omfg I'm so mad I didn't think about this first especially with the poetry line! It's perfect!


No problem. I'm surprised that anybody saw this message and please let me know what you think about the song,


I’m about to listen to the song cuz now I’m interested lol THANKS for adding my story!