
So back earlier this year I announced that I was going to be writing a novel...hehehe....i'm a terrible author so I kinda gave up on that book. I had a lot of troubles with plots and stuff but not to fear, I have a new idea for another book that I will most likley give up as well. However, I will try. This concept is really cool but no spoilers.


So back earlier this year I announced that I was going to be writing a novel...hehehe....i'm a terrible author so I kinda gave up on that book. I had a lot of troubles with plots and stuff but not to fear, I have a new idea for another book that I will most likley give up as well. However, I will try. This concept is really cool but no spoilers.


Why do I feel like i'm such a bad writer? My writing has definitely improved over the years but my plot is always so bad. I never think things out. I just write whatever pops into my head. No planning. Dialogue is horrible, characters are shallow and so original. Don't even get me started on grammar. Everything is rushed. It seems like in every story I write the main character is having a dance battle one moment then fighting a deadly dragon the next . I don't know how to get better!


            I know this is a month late (Thanks for the no update, Wattpad). But one of the great things about wanting to improve upon your craft, you've done the first part. Which is finding out your strengths and weaknesses. Something that I'm often told is that you want to focus on one thing. 
            Right now, I struggle with writing and creating characters. I know how to build the plot and get my points from A to B. But when it comes to actually know my characters and who they are as people, that's where I fall flat. At the moment, I'm taking a step back from writing my first draft. Taking one character out of the cast and looking into their motivations. Getting down to the main essentials. 
            Choose one thing that you're struggling with -- dialogue, pacing, fight scenes, anything! Try going to writing blogs or forums (Reddit and Tumblr are places that I go to a lot for help) to read up on some advice or ask for help. I've found a lot of great advice that I use for a lot of my weaker parts. 
            Additionally, have you considered getting a beta? I've been a beta for other people's work but I've never actually sought one out before.  They can help with specific things -- grammar, plot, a soundboard for ideas, etc. It's important to establish clear communication and explain what exactly you're looking for. Do keep in mind that there are betas for long-term projects or just looking to read one chapter. Often times, they're not professional editors and vary among skills. 
            But of course, I think your writing is pretty good. Especially the way you write dialogue and evoke personality within each character. That's a skill and accomplishment in itself. Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up for it. It just takes practice and possibly reading more material that's outside of your main genre of work.


woop woop. Summer and going into junior year. My writing has been all over the place lately but I think i'm up for a challenge. I think I might write a book .Not a fanfiction but a story of my own. I have a few ideas of my own but I want to hear some of your ideas before I start writing. Anybody got any?


*sigh*...its 2 am here and i've been working on the "Without me" fanfic. ngl It's been a blast working on it and i'm planning on adding many more chapter's. I hope everyone is doing well with all this Covid stuff going on. I'm going into my junior year. Man..It's been a long time since I started using wattpad. But i gotta say this app changed my life. I probably never would have passed english if writing on this platform hadn't made my writing so much better. Well wishes to everyone


that sleeping dogs fic, absolutely amazing. thank you for writing it because i needed more content. it’s been so long and i feel so nostalgic reading your work. just wanted to tell anyone else reading this that “Without Me,” is an awesome fic. 10/10 and an absolute masterpiece. thank you for writing it. i know i sound so melodramatic but i honestly loved it all. been so long since i’ve read a fic and felt so attached to the cast, especially with the oc. again, great job with all the work you’ve put into it. always gonna be a fan of it. 


Sorry guys. The time has come. I have unpublished most of the stories I have written on Wattpad. This included "pink lemonade". I will not be reuploading them I am really sorry. I'm just very disgusted on how much of a bad writer I was. LOL. There are some stories I will reupload don't worry but most of my older ones will not be part of that


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Ok guys I'm officially dead. I really don't feel like continuing all these old fanfictions any more and let's face it...y'all know I'm a lazy piece of shit who comes out with 1 chapter every millennia. Sooo I'm just gonna quit it with old ones I'm sorry guys. I (might) continue with my best one 'pink lemonade' but I made that story when I was just starting out so I was a bit of a Mary Sue sowwy. I'll continue 'not that wierd' and start working on a new fanfiction as well I'm not sure what it's gonna be on I have lots of fandoms.