
Hello people from long ago! You will not remember me, for I have deleted most of my works, but PLEASE consider checking out my most recent draft of "Dagger Eyes" I have been working on this book for four and a half years and need to get it spread around. The first chapter is up, so if you could do me the largest favor and read, like or share it, I would forever be indebted to you.


Hello people from long ago! You will not remember me, for I have deleted most of my works, but PLEASE consider checking out my most recent draft of "Dagger Eyes" I have been working on this book for four and a half years and need to get it spread around. The first chapter is up, so if you could do me the largest favor and read, like or share it, I would forever be indebted to you.


*Update*: I am sorry. I truly am. Dagger Eyes hasn't been updated. The truth is that no one cares anymore. I had lots of people 2/3 of the way through, but no one has read the last few chapters. Its a ghost story, abandoned, forgotten. I had hopes and dreams of finishing it with a bow on the 2 year anniversary, which is December 25.  Only two people I know IRL care, and that isn't enough motivation for me. NO one has said a thing about it here. I have no energy to perfect this story now. Everything is falling apart. It hurts to see all these successful stories around wattpad because it makes me feel worthless. It makes my writing, the worlds I have created, feel worthless. I can't do this anymore. Not unless I get people to pick me up, slap me, and tell me to keep writing. Without motivation, there is no purpose. Without purpose, there is no words, no story.


Hi everyone, sorry I've been inactive lately, there has been a lot going on this summer, with re-writes and stuff. so i wont be able to communicate or read very many updates, i am so sorry. I am scheduled to finish re-writes right on the anniversary of DE/Christmas


Hey, so with all these people followinf me the last few days... Um... STOP UNFOLLOWING ME JUST SO YOU CAN GET FOLLOWERS. I AM F4F AND ITS RUDE TO DO THAT. Also, sorry to those who are loyal and continue ti follow me :) thnx!


Thanks for following me... But you have done so like 3 or 4 times now -_- ... Are you trying to get my attention? Because if so you got it lol


@ChrisChrzan aaawwww that sucks :/


@ChrisChrzan no sorry, you know my f4f policy? Yeah will out of the 94 people who followed me these past few days 1\3 of them unfollow me