Hey, Warriors! I went to a Dermatologist today because acne sucks! :D Turns out that the acne I have won't scar no matter what! :0 And I have eczema, which makes me sad as I went through life being happy that I didn't have eczema, asthma, or anything like that. I was wrong to be happy. Maybe the Dermatologist is wrong? Because my skin literally doesn't feel dry. It doesn't hurt. Sure, my hands randomly start bleeding sometimes, but is it really eczema? Then again, people tell me that my skin looks dry a lot, so maybe I'm delusional. \_('-')_/ Fly on, Alla
@kittycatnyxx- It seriously almost never hurts or anything, so I don't really mind too much. That sucks. :(
@Lunar_M0ON oof, that sucks. my old best friend from when I was 7 had that too :(