

this message may be offensive
Here is something my sister said on facebook that is true. Copy paste and share if you feel the same way.
          Donald Trump is the new president of the United states. It's time to accept what is and give the man a chance. I personally believe he will make the changes and decisions that need to be made in order to make America great again. Everyone is worried about racism and him taking the rights away from people. Well as far as I'm concerned we are all PEOPLE. Our rights should all be equal. Not specialized to certain races and groups of people. EQUAL. He will be the president for ALL Americans, black, white, purple, yellow, circle or square. As long as you are a LEGAL citizen of the USA then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I don't believe anyone's rights should be jeopardized unless you are 1. An illegal person in this country, which in my opinion if that's the case you shouldn't have any rights here. 2. A criminal- including those who think it's acceptable to throw a tantrum and burn our country's flag(you know the word treason?!) since they didn't get what they wanted. There are far more pressing matters that need to be taken care of then worrying about sexual orientation, race, and the down right ignorance people are showing. Marry who you want, be who you want that is your right. This is the 21st century people! If anything needs abolished it's all the hate and violence towards one another. Rioting in the streets isn't going to get you anywhere. We need someone in office who isn't a corrupt politician and isn't going to take anyone's shit for fear of offending someone. So yeah I'm 100% aboard the Trump train . If anyone doesn't like that then you know where the delete button is.


@DarkSoul243 God those elections...


@Beauty_Crystal Don't worry about it. This is  for all the people in america acting like babies justbecause of Trump


@DarkSoul243 I didn't and don't know anything about all this, and nor I knew America was a bit disturbed. But I hope everything goes well back again smoothly and everyone is happy :) 