Uni could only run. He feels like he was the one who cause this. 'It's my fault' he kept thinking. Once he got out, he closed the door and look through the window on the door. He can still see the fire blazing and the screams of his friend. "I'm sorry" he said while crying. The screaming finally stops and all he can see his friends, Ashlie, ashes (pun not intended). "A-Ashlie, forgive me" He said while tears flew down in his eyes. He had no other choice but to leave. Meanwhile, Nick was still looking for Don, Dousie, and Cory. You see, they have split up into random groups. "Don? Cory? Dousie?" He yell out in this dark, never ending cave. He kept looking around while still worried about the others. Suddenly, he heard screaming for help. It was too deep to be Cory or Dousie. "Don?" He said and chase the deep screams of help. When got there, he didn't pay attention to Don. Because he knew why he was screaming for help. He saw.... Cory's hanging body with a side of the "hate" virus coming out of his mouth. Don was right next to it, about to die from the lack of oxygen like Cory did. To Be Continued...

Will Don get out a live? Will Uni find Ddawn? Will Dousie be found alive? What happened to the others? Who is behind all of this? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON Let's Kill Today, Die Tonight: the Cave