
Hi I'm LUNABLUEE_ today I decided to publish my new story entitled " anonymous " . please vote for my stories. see ya 


          Hi everyone, I will let you know that I will be back writing again in the near future. Maybe at the end of this month I will start uploading my work again with a different title , because for previous works I forgot the story line a bit :( 
          .Thank you for waiting—Luna 


Hi there  
          I just want to inform y'all due to health issues I will took more longer hiatus than I thought. I know I go too long but I'm still trying to keep upload some chapter kayy? . 
          Mulai bulan depan aku usahain buat upload cerita / chapter baru. Aku bikin cerita bukan cuma soal imajinasi beberapa cerita aku ngambil tema yang membutuhkan survei dan fakta. Aku gamau bikin cerita asal-asalan karena karya dari seorang penulis merupakan cerminan dari apa yang penulis itu pikirkan sendiri. 
          I hope y'all understand and be patient for me. Thanks for your concern ❤️


Today 11 june 2022 at 20:00 i decided to change my wattpad username from skyitulangit18 to LunaBluee_ . 
          Thank you to my loyal readers who are still waiting for my work when I've been on hiatus for the past few years. I will be writing again in the near future, I have prepared several story titles.
          see you next month. ❤️❤️❤️