
Wooo, I'm officially 16 of age!
          	Where did all the time went... ;-;


          	  Oh wow guys, we're gettin old.


Wooo, I'm officially 16 of age!
          Where did all the time went... ;-;


            Oh wow guys, we're gettin old.


Hey, Quick question. 
          Do you think the components of compound numbers ever talk or argue with each other? 
          Like there's a blurry line between them being a hive mind and still being separate beings. So I feel like it's possible yet unsure about it. 
          I want to hear your guys' ideas on this being this may or may not happen in a one shot I'm almost done with. 


@13-A-Lucky-Unlucky  @BigSisterTwelve 
            Thank you for your imput on this topic  it's was very helpful 


            Mkay sorry Im late here's an essay here we go-
            So it appears that the two compound numbers actually become someone completely different and don't interact as seperate people.
            "I like this statue!" 20 and 7, who both don't show any affinity for art nor an attachment to 3D objects.
            Both 20 and 4 don't have a thing for rectangles either, and both are a lot more easygoing than 24. 
            If you notice, every single last one of the compound Numberblocks all had seperate personalities even before doing anything at all. Thats why when Two makes a comment on Twenty-one having 2 faces, Twenty-one just states its easier to look at them that way, but they both make ot very clear they are not just Twenty attached to One, they become someone else.
            "And Im happy being me." - 23
            "Lets see what else I can do!" - 21
            They refer to themselves as one entity as well, they just find it easier to figure out what to do with themselves and gain specific attributes towards it after they figure that out.
            We all know that everyone 10-14 had a little s p a r k l e  moment where they find that little thing about themselves and their life begins to center around that. 
            14 is a special case I like to use, he didnt know what to do with himself yet, but he was already using the lingo and had a personality set, then gained the helmet and stuff after he touched the skateboard.
            The first numberblocks didnt even need the sparkle moment bc the smaller you are the easier it is to find out what you wanna do.
            So to go even bigger...
            You need to be less of the numbers you already are to be someone new. And it takes a little longer to figure it out because you have to start your personality from scratch.
            So I dont think the two faces can disagree bc they're not 20 and 6, its 26, he just doesnt know what to do yet.
            But dont let me stop ya! Go ahead with your idea, who cares if it makes sense? :)


Yes I did it after like forever I finally posted something written and not only that it's my first finished one shot so yay! :D
          Please check it out it means a lot  and if you guys have any ideas send them over I would like to get back into the groove of writing stuff


Soooo home life with moving, school and my top tier procrastination skills my posting is basically non-existent, so I wanna ask yall a question.
          Don't worry it's related to something I'm working on so it's random but not super random. 
          Have any of you played or heard of the game Knack and its sequel game?  It's became one of my hyper fixations and no one I know irl really heard of it. So I wanna know if any of you heard of it and maybe spread the word of the game. 
          My little self wants to spread the word of this strange game and give it some of the popularity it deserves or at least a few new fans.


Okay so how would yall feel if I posted a random story about a hypefixation I have this weekend? It will also include a drawing too because I've been lacking lately 


@Luna_moon862 Yes of course! Can't wait


Okay so which type of one shot sounds more intriguing to guys because I have 2 one shots I want to work on but I don't know which to try to finish first. 
          Would you rather want a basically a rewrite of an episode but everything goes south.i won't state which episode but I'll let you guys guess 
          Would you rather have some back story for some of the gaps I have in my jsab book. 
          Meanwhile I have some doodles I did some I posted already on Deviant Art that I may post later today here


@cookiethiefZach idk what to do that's why I'm asking yall T-T


I have a problem
          I have rw chap 2 of PCND 3/4 done
          Chap 4 of LTSA 1/3 done
          And 4 one shots in the makin 1 of which I started a day or two ago
          I need to stop getting ideas and actually work on the stuff I got
          To make up for the long wait, here is a peak of what I'm writing
          "Twenty-one, are you sure about this..? Where are we even going?"
          The bage and indigo block would ask as they hoped around a muddy puddle.
          " We're going to a show a good friend of mine host. " 
          "If we're going to a show, why are we in a jungle? "
          " I like taking the scenic route. You'll won't find anything new if you always follow paths already made. "
          "I guess so, but there could be snakes around here, or we could get lost, or we could get stuck in an earthquake! " 
          "I've been through this forest many of times i know my way around and we're not on the edge of a plate either so earthquakes are very unlikely here. "
          "But what about the snakes..?"
          "They'll only bite if threatened. " 
          "How would we know if it's threatened?" 
          "Just be careful where you step." 
          The two in one block would gulp nervously. 


I finally got a decent flow of what I exactly want to do for chapter 4 and 5 of the Luck that's Slipping Away but I got no idea what to title chap 4 :(


@Luna_moon862, please don't do it!!!!!!