
I realize I must worry some people that I’m dead-
          	I’m not dead. I’m depressed, gay, and thriving in spite of myself. (I’m destroying myself here-)


EVERYONE!! PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR THE BLUE WHALE CHALLENGE!! IT IS BACK!! If someone comes to you and asks: “Hey do you want to do a challenge?” DON’T ACCEPT!! If you have accepted, DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT OR DO EVERYTHING AT ALL COSTS TO AVOID THE CHALLENGE!! Please stay safe and healthy everyone.


Hey everyone, on June 1st. There will be hate to the LGBTQ+ community. You might be wondering- "What should we do?"
          1. Lock your social media accounts and set a strong password.
          2. Remove all pronouns/sexuality pointers from your bio.
          3. Close DMs.
          4. Avoid going outside if you are an LGBTQ+ member. You are at risk of having horrible things done to you.
          5. Stay away from these raiders, Attention is what they want. Panic is what they want.
          6. If you are LGBT supportive, hide it. Make sure your friends are okay if they are LGBT.
          7. Avoid the numbers 88 and 1488.
          8. Do not answer DMs with links in them.
          9. Block and report anyone you see that's apart of the raid/being homophobic/genderphobic/etc
          10. Hide media that may contain sensitive content.
          11. If you see anything suspicious report it immediately.
          12. Try not to panic, just be weary.
          They are going to a pride parade in America, which I do not have the location of, and have plans of bombing it similar to the Boston marathon, I do not have the date or where or where at, but they talked about it.
          Stay safe I love you all :heart:


Please stay at home today if you are in the LGBTQ+, thank you!!


Hey everyone!! I’m back and I’m going to be doing a colab with @ThulienUndomiel on her account. So it’s gonna be on her account and vote on the story AND follower her please!! Right now she only has 5 followers and we both are really excited to make this story!! I hope for all my little stars and moons for you to have a great night or day!! And I’ll catch you up when we post a chapter!!


Luna, I killed my digital art pen. O-O maybe when I get a new one. QmQ
          *Walks into a room and slams door. Screams and falls on floor crying than runs outside digs a grave and burys pen*
          PLEASE, JESUS!!!! SHOW PENNY SOME MERCY!!!! (so what if I named the pen.)
          Bendy: Uh, is she okay?
          Cuphead: Meh. She'll get over it.
          Zoey: IMMA COMET SUICIDE!!!!
          Bendy: Uh...
          *Zoey grabs Gun*
          Cuphead: Ahh, crap!


@ZoeySetFire56 suck my cock ernie keebler


*hugs Zoey* shhhh.... you can use a battery. Just use the positive side and it’ll act like a digital art pen.