
this message may be offensive
Y'all I'm back from the dead.
          	I wanna write something,  maybe even continue old stories .
          	But now i wanna write something about Mha
          	More exactly an angst type shit with izuku, suic!de and stuff
          	But idk what would you prefer 
          	Bkdk or izuocha ? It would be told like someone writing in their journal. Idk :]
          	Tell me what you choose 


this message may be offensive
Y'all I'm back from the dead.
          I wanna write something,  maybe even continue old stories .
          But now i wanna write something about Mha
          More exactly an angst type shit with izuku, suic!de and stuff
          But idk what would you prefer 
          Bkdk or izuocha ? It would be told like someone writing in their journal. Idk :]
          Tell me what you choose 


 °  Sorry i didn't post °
          Help ,i woke up at 6 Am,becouse i have an exam today ,i sleept just 1 h 
          I woke up at 6 so i can be ready at 7 :15 ,i don't wanna miss the bus ;-;
          The exam starts at 8:00 -8:30 
          And i look like i homeless emo bitch today 
          Sorry i didn't post on Sunday or yesterday ,i don't really have an excuse becouse ofc i didn't study 
          I'm just a sad 15 yo :")
          But i will post today when i get home 
          And i don't have internet conection,great :)
          I would probalbly be at school when i post this,wish me luck, i will need it 
          (Bad english ,is cold ,my hands are freazeing, 
          i wanna die :)    ) 


Sooooo , vreti sa va arat si niste eesene pe hartie sau niste Life hackuri pt desen digital sau pe hartie ?
          (Asa se scrie, hack ? Plm mi-e lene se verific ;-; 
          Ati inteles ideea =)


@ LunaCantBeFound  imi puteti da mesaj oricand vreit 


@ LunaCantBeFound  da


@ LunaCantBeFound  da 