
Happy New Year guys!! :*


Just wondering if you're alright (or most likely you're busy) but its been a while since you've updated The Mystery Virgin. In my opinion I like the book and this mystery of the virgin. I hope If you do update it, it will be because creativity of the book and not because us the readers are being to pushy and persistent onto reading (so you type/write whatever just to please everyone). ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IAmEstefany  I am sooo sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been working on the next chapter for the past few months and I can't seem to get any inspiration for the next chapter but it's halfway done. Hopefully I might post it some time this week  :)


I feel so honoured when I see my book in a reading list with other's who have millions of reads! Thanks so much for commenting and adding My Boyfriend's Best Friend to your reading list!


I actually saw it when Chompy was doing the advertising thing for stories on Just add Walter and I thought your story was pretty cool :)


That's one great combo: the icon and the background. Oh, and, by the way, I'm Asian too, and I also don't have squinty least, I hope I don't. I ain't monolid, that's for sure.


which part in Asia are you from (if you don't mind me asking) or are you mixed? I'm from the Philippines I just hate it how people stereotype Asians with squinty eyes. Filipinos obviously do not have squinty eyes and we're Asians :)