
Hey guys. Wattpad Will be deleting their PMs within the next two days. If anyone still want to talk, get to know me asking questions while becoming friends my discord username will be here.


My fic is now two years old and I just turned 18 now officially an adult. Happy second anniversary to Tokioka and happy birthday to me


I will be taking a break from writing the book. For the last three or four chapters I’ve been writing on them on my phone and I unfortunately don’t have a laptop anymore. As I was writing and now using my phone I am currently waiting until I get a new one. When it comes to writing on the phone I don’t really like it that much and I feel more motivated when it comes to typing besides using a phone because it feels like I’m actually working. However if you wish to see more of blue I will be heading over to the one shot book to hopefully make some skits or short stories with alternate universe is. Just try and bear with me here


@LuisAgosto300, that's OK  take a break, you need your rest, and I'm happy to wait 


I know I said I was going to try and work on the next chapter but I’ve been piled up with work and projects but next week which is tomorrow I only have one day of school and I have a full week to myself so hopefully I can get some writing done.
          It wasn’t only going because of school but I’ve been playing some Pokémon fan games. 
          I also like to give a huge shout out to @MrCoffee_bean000 and their cousins for making the amazing fanart of Tokioka with long hair getting The inspiration from NuTMaStEr and I really hope to see more of their drawings.


I’m gonna try and work on Kenta’s fight next week. I’ve been working on schoolwork and projects lately and this is the final marking period of my first term. And I want to try and get this stuff out the way. I have also wrote almost 4000 words while working on the Pokémon AU so I’m also going to take a little break. But I will come back when I have time. I also need to work on my fight scenes because they’re getting pretty rusty



With it now a new year I will try and work on the book much better when I have time off from school And I will also work on on shots and writing AU’s with Tokioka Blue. 
          I am currently working on one right now and it should be done by today. A Pokémon AU.