
700 followers! Yay! 
          	I love all my anicrazies! I love all of you 
          	I've been going through some hard stuff
          	But I know I can always turn to the wattpad  community! 
          	I'm gonna say some thankyou's 
          	To @PandaUnicornLover 
          	For always talking to my help saving me from sadness and just...  Being a great friend! 
          	Thankyou @My Anicrazies 
          	For being my Anicrazies! 
          	For following me! 
          	And for so much more! 
          	Thankyou @Wattpad 
          	For creating the app! 
          	Thankyou @Juvia_L
          	For introducing me to wattpad! 
          	And fairytail!!!! 
          	And that's all my thankyou's


@Lucy_Heartfilia_xox CONGRATS!!! THANKS!! YOURE SO SWEET!! I'll do anything for you! <3


@ Lucy_Heartfilia_xox  thank you very much ^^ Lucy Congratulations for your 700 followers, I wish you the best of luck in this app


700 followers! Yay! 
          I love all my anicrazies! I love all of you 
          I've been going through some hard stuff
          But I know I can always turn to the wattpad  community! 
          I'm gonna say some thankyou's 
          To @PandaUnicornLover 
          For always talking to my help saving me from sadness and just...  Being a great friend! 
          Thankyou @My Anicrazies 
          For being my Anicrazies! 
          For following me! 
          And for so much more! 
          Thankyou @Wattpad 
          For creating the app! 
          Thankyou @Juvia_L
          For introducing me to wattpad! 
          And fairytail!!!! 
          And that's all my thankyou's


@Lucy_Heartfilia_xox CONGRATS!!! THANKS!! YOURE SO SWEET!! I'll do anything for you! <3


@ Lucy_Heartfilia_xox  thank you very much ^^ Lucy Congratulations for your 700 followers, I wish you the best of luck in this app


*Scratches head and blushes* Hi, Lucy...


Hmm....I'll give them a try. *Smiles*


@AntonioWindBlast  okay
            Ouran highschool host club
            And charlotte! 
            Both awesome animes


I will. *Smiles* Any recommendations?


          I got a new phone! And I'm really excited!
          But the problem is I can't remember the password to my email, and my phone never gets reminded of my password.
          So I guess I have to make a new account. ever thing I have worked T^T
          So I'd love it if all my (Loyal) followers follow me on my new account, ill tell you guys my name when I think of one
          I'm out! Lucy_Heartfilia_xox!


It's called......


Do any of the otakus here have KIK I really want some good otakus friends....
          So if you do just message me your name ill message you mine... so you guys know it's me and we can't start talking about anime...
            Sorry for being so weird I'm just so bored the summer


Hey everyone!!! I'm writing to warn all my anicrazies and others about 4Chan. Some of you might know that 4Chan  is a website that hack people, and I have heard from many of my favourite authors,that they will be hacking wattpad very soon. What the might be doing (if the manage to hack it) is write rude and innapropriate stuff in any of our stories. So be sure to put this in your stories to let people know of you were hack and there were inappropriate  stuff in your it isn't you. Please share this to others so they know about this and please be careful. That's all I want to say for now but please don't be scared or worried cause I'm sure the wattpad community will sort it out.
          Again be careful. And I love all my precious Anicrazies!!! 
          Otakus unite!!!