
I have been MIA for sooo long now. Mute has done so good on reads. I'm thinking of editing it and continuing the story, should I do it?


@xo_morgan_xo I'm so glad to hear positive feedback on Mute :) I'm going to continue it for sure. I've got chapter 1 rewritten and I'm working on chapter 2 now. I think I'll rewrite all the chapters first and put them up then start adding more hopefully. I miss and love you too sissy <3 <3 


@Luck_of_the_Irish SISSY!! <3 I've been pretty MIA for a while too :( I LOVE Mute so much, and I'm so proud of you (LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE READS, YOURE AMAZING!) :) I would definitely love it if you continued, totally up to you, but I would 110% support and look forward to that :) Miss and love you! :) <3


I have been MIA for sooo long now. Mute has done so good on reads. I'm thinking of editing it and continuing the story, should I do it?


@xo_morgan_xo I'm so glad to hear positive feedback on Mute :) I'm going to continue it for sure. I've got chapter 1 rewritten and I'm working on chapter 2 now. I think I'll rewrite all the chapters first and put them up then start adding more hopefully. I miss and love you too sissy <3 <3 


@Luck_of_the_Irish SISSY!! <3 I've been pretty MIA for a while too :( I LOVE Mute so much, and I'm so proud of you (LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE READS, YOURE AMAZING!) :) I would definitely love it if you continued, totally up to you, but I would 110% support and look forward to that :) Miss and love you! :) <3


miss ya :'( Hope you're having an amazing summer vacation though! :) ily sissy! I'm sending you many hugs and friendly caterpillars your way through the internet haha :)


@xo_morgan_xo  OMG I miss you so much much :( I wish I was still on summer vacation but im back in school . I hope your having a good summer vacation though!  You should text me some time :) I send many hugs and friendly caterpillars your way to. I love ya to sissy :):)


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! :D I hope you all have a amazing day.
          I have some news. I know I have been MIA for awhile from wattpad but I will be putting up some new storys soon! :D yes that's right new storys. I should have then up by the end of next week since I have family visiting this week. 
          I aslo want to thank everyone that has read, voted, commented on any of my storys. I also want to thank all of my followers. I love each and everyone of you. Thank you so much!


Hay gurl hay ily and miss ya! ill text you soon sis :)


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! :D I hope you all have a amazing day. 
          Also I have some news. I now I've been MIA for awhile from wattpad but I will be putting up some new storys soon! :D yes thats right new storys. I should have them up by the end of next week since I have family visiting this week. 
          I aslo want to thank everyone that has read, voted, commented,and followed me. It means the world to me and I love all of you. Thank you all so much! 