
Well, hello. Been a long time since I've been on Wattpad. I've moved on to writing on a blog and I think I like it better than Wattpad so I'll probably not write any new stories on Wattpad anymore. I'll finish Little World and perhaps re-continue Wolf and Raven but that will be in the distant future. So I guess this is goodbye.


Well, hello. Been a long time since I've been on Wattpad. I've moved on to writing on a blog and I think I like it better than Wattpad so I'll probably not write any new stories on Wattpad anymore. I'll finish Little World and perhaps re-continue Wolf and Raven but that will be in the distant future. So I guess this is goodbye.


Alright, I finally got Ryan out and Jenny updated. Ren-san is probably never going to finish her remaining three chapters so I'll have to start on those. This is going to take a veeeerrry long time. I hope y'all will stay with me.


Chapter nine of Little World is going to be uploaded as soon as I can get Ren-san to look it over. So expect that in the near future. I'm also planning to change some details in Jenny's chapter, but I'll make the changes at the same time Chapter Nine is going to go up so if you see the new chapter, then Jenny's chapter is going to be updated as well. As for the rest, I don't think Ren-san is making any headway, or at least I am not informed of any progress, so those chapters would remain unfinished for the indeterminable future. 
          LtDemonLord out!


I'm responsible for VIV. Ryan so that will be up as soon as I get enough time to work on it. But the other three unfinished chapters are Ren-san's responsibility and as Ren-san is very busy right now, they'll take a looooong time to finish and post. Hang  in there! And enjoy what we already have! ^-^