
Hello Followers, I've started on a new Jungkook x reader story called It's Our Job. Now I know the story line at the moment seems a bit rushed but I promise it isn't. There are currently 4 chapters written and posted I'm currently writing a few chapters to release this coming week. 
          	Some of you have followed me because of my first story and I'm currently trying to find a way to continue that story. I've been super busy with college work which is why I haven't posted much or tried to make a new story. I got a new laptop which has helped me want to start and write again. 
          	I look forward to my comments and like/votes in the future if I even get them.


thank you so much for all the votes ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


@LowkeyBTS_TXTfan awee thank you thank you so much❤❤❤❤❤❤


@Mylabsharryshy no problem your stories seem to keep me interested and wanting too not stop reading them q


Hello Followers, I've started on a new Jungkook x reader story called It's Our Job. Now I know the story line at the moment seems a bit rushed but I promise it isn't. There are currently 4 chapters written and posted I'm currently writing a few chapters to release this coming week. 
          Some of you have followed me because of my first story and I'm currently trying to find a way to continue that story. I've been super busy with college work which is why I haven't posted much or tried to make a new story. I got a new laptop which has helped me want to start and write again. 
          I look forward to my comments and like/votes in the future if I even get them.


Okay so I know I said I would upload my next chapters well I've lost inspiration for those stories and have removed one completely. But I'm proud to say I'm currently writing a chapter for a new story it's BTS related but I won't spoil the plot or what BTS x reader it is about but I will have it posted in the next hour or so. 


I'm currently writing chapter 11 of how we met. It will take sometime but I should have it done by Friday or Sunday latest. I have also started to write my first chapter for High school talent show which is my Taehyung X Reader story. I hope to write a story for each and maybe a sequel depending on you lot my readers. I hope to start writing again properly but I am working and getting things together to go back to college this September. I know it's only two months away but time can fly quickly.