

I'm so bored


In the realm of words, a writer dreams,
          Of soaring heights and esteemed themes.
          With pen in hand and heart afire,
          They yearn for fame, their soul's desire.
          Through ink-stained pages, dreams take flight,
          Crafting worlds, both dark and bright.
          Words dance upon the parchment's stage,
          Weaving tales that captivate and engage.
          In solitude, they tirelessly toil,
          Pouring passion into every coil.
          Their verses, a symphony of grace,
          Seeking recognition, a cherished place.
          They yearn for eyes to read each line,
          To taste their thoughts, like aged wine.
          Their words, like whispers in the breeze,
          Longing to resonate and bring hearts to ease.
          Oh, writer, dreamer of accolades,
          Your talents deserve to cascade,
          Upon the stage of literary acclaim,
          And etch your name in the annals of fame.
          But fear not if the world seems blind,
          For true fulfillment, you shall find,
          In the love of words, and souls inspired,
          In the hearts you touch, your dreams transpired.
          So let your voice resound and soar,
          For your stories hold a sacred lore.
          Though fame may come or stay afar,
          Your words, a beacon, forever a star.


@GenineChaela Still as talented as always


In the depths of weariness, I often find myself pondering: if only my past account had not met its unfortunate fate of being banned, would the course of my journey have been altered? Would the doors of opportunity have swung wider, granting me a greater chance to showcase the depths of my writer's soul? The lingering question pervades my thoughts.
          Yet, amidst this contemplation, I find solace in the unwavering care and support bestowed upon me by my cherished readers. Like a tender blossom, their unwavering presence has breathed life into the chambers of my heart, filling it with renewed hope and inspiration. Despite the trials that have beset me, their warmth has allowed my spirit to persevere, casting a luminous glow upon my weary soul.
          For in the embrace of their unwavering encouragement, I discover a resolute determination to transcend the limitations imposed upon me. With each stroke of the pen, I pour forth the essence of my being, undeterred by the shadows of the past that seek to confine me. Your  unwavering belief in my talents as a writer has become the guiding light that illuminates my path, propelling me forward with newfound vigor and purpose.
          Though the weight of fatigue may linger, the radiance of their care and support has kindled a flame within me. It is a flame that refuses to be extinguished, igniting my spirit and nurturing the blossoming of my craft. With gratitude in my heart and their unwavering presence as my guiding star, I step forward, embracing the journey that lies ahead, knowing that together, we shall transcend the limitations and carve a path illuminated by the brilliance of our collective passion.


@GenineChaela I'd kill myself if i lost 748K followers lol