
Guys I got 82% in my 10th icse board. I am so happy I didn't expect I would get these much marks


Hello dear reader,
          Thank you so much for voting and adding my work in your list or commenting on my work♡ . Hope in future my stories can make you  happy and smile :D.
          And thank you for following me, it means a lot to me dear reader
          Have a good day


Hello everyone。◕‿◕。
          There is a fun fact that I have noticed in Wattpad. Most of the authors are students only in Wattpad and now all are busy in there exams and can not update there stories .
          This also includes me also dragons as I also have my exams going on and cannot update my stories so don't be mad with me(ㆁωㆁ)
          I will maybe update in March and I will be sure to update a lot for making up to you guys☺️
          Byr byr