
Chapter 23 for INFECTIOUS, just dropped!
          	Sorry for the delay in updates my loves


Delays are perfectly okay! Thank you for the new chapter. I’ve been looking forward to in since the last one, keep up the good work! ❤️


My loves.
          I know theres a few of you gnawing at the cage bars, awaiting an update from me....
          And I can confirm that today I will be releaaing another chapter!!!!
          BTS life is pretty much at a stand still, and I am doing whatever I can to help ease the heartache I am currently living with, unfortunately thise things are NOT writing, which I will admit is weird for me.
          But I have managed to grind out a few chapters that need to be proofed, so I will hopefully have a few weekly updates again. But this will all depend on BTS life as well.
          I have also been incredibly sick, which while frustrating, was kind of nice to feel my body fighting it off again now that I am in remission. Nice to feel my body back to its normal self (even if that includes getting sick).
          So I will love and leave you all for now, with an update to follow at some point today (Australia time).
          Much love,


@LoveLee88 can't wait for the new chapter, hope you start feeling better soon


Fear is for the weak has left me heart broken 


Sobbing rn, great great book tho, looking towards whatever u have next :)


@1-800-CHAOS im so sorry to do that to you  
            Genuinely didn't think the story would go that way, but alas it did.


Hello my loves!!!!
          Ok, some small updates for you all.
          Firstly, I have a solid 10 chapters pre written for INFECTIOUS, but alas, I do not like them every time I reread them and try to edit them, soooooooo with that being said, there will most likely NOT be an update on chapters for a while until I can sort these next 10 out and get the story to where I feel it needs to be.
          Secondly, I may start some smaller one shots, simply to help unclog this brain dog I got going on, so be on the lookout for those. 
          Also, if you have ideas for possible one shots, please DM with said ideas, I love hearing what you'd all like.
          Thirdly, no I haven't forgotten about Jessie and Johnny over in THROUGH THE FLAMES, but I did get heavily stuck on where to take to the story. Pregnancy tropes give me the ick, and I don't feel like doing a whole 9 month follow along, though the odd snippet during the 9 months I could do. But I know you're all hoping they have a baby, and the wedding! 
          I will be hopefully finishing this story by the end of the year and may only have 3/5 chapter left of it. 
          Sorry it's been so long!
          Lastly, thank you everyone for the well wishes and telling me to take my time, believe me I am, i won't let my mental health take a dive, promise. But wrotting helps me, so its a win win for all of us 
          Take care and hopefully I'll have something out in the next week.
          Much love


Awesome! Good for you. Hope you're keeping well my friend ❤️


@LoveLee88 you are such an absoloute blessing, I am sure that no matter what happens, those chapters will be jaw dropping and edible <3 
            Also, mental health is super important, not to annoy you or anything but, I had lost somebody so, just don't want that to happen to anyone. (they were also a writer) 
            Love your books so much and honestly, your an inspiration. <3333333 take all the time you need to recharge.


          I managed to fatten 'INFECTIOUS', and have a healthy 30 chapters, somewhat ready to go.
          I did not expect to write that much and I don't know how I feel about it, but holy crap! I kinda love where it's gone and how I've managed to create such a slow burn with our boys.
          To those who have followed along, those who are silent in the shadows, those gnawing at the bars of your cages, and those who are new....THANK YOU! 
          Thank you for enjoying my writing and fuelling me to go on.


@Nmutua2000 eeeeeeeee *squealing*...
            Honestly this is freaking adorable and I so needed that lil feral boost! 
            Oh the slow burn, the tension, I swear I do it to myself, just love dragging it out, only giving crumbs until I just go 'surprise' and give you all the whole damn cake


@LoveLee88  Mother Love, I am so darn proud right now of you. 30 chapters, wowzers. Our meals will never go rotten without you around Mother Love. 
            Keep dojng what you want to do! I think your inspiring many people to write and also learn to love slow burns even when tension is so tight it makes you want to have rabies <333
            -Nmutua, ooooo


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Next chapter will be here within the next 2 days my loves!
          Life has just gone to absolute shit so I need to put a pause on writting and concentrate on what's happening.
          BUT I will be back and I will update as much as I can, but within reason as mentally and emotionally I am stretched.
          Much love


@LoveLee88  Dont rush yourself, take your time ❤ your personal life is more important than some chapters <3