
I procastinate working by doing work thats not due tomorrow but the day after


I'm making a book about one of my friends and her crush (well she denies it but me and my other friend know) and i plan on finishing it but i'm not gonna publish until i get absorbed into writing it, it's called Attention Span and i hope you guys will like it. I'll tell you when it's up.


My sister (oldest) litterally just told me that she doesnt favor my other sister (middle) like a few hours ago, even though she obviously does. She always talks with with my other sister and when i come in the room she stops talking and is always hanging out with my other sister. So after hearing this a few hours ago, im in my room minding my own business when i hear them talking and laughing about something and it sounds really weird and i want to know what it is so i go out and ask them what they are talking about and she (the oldest one) says no and that i cant sit with them and stuff. Im crying now and i dont really know why, she’s (oldest and sometimes middle) always rude to me and ruins a lot of things for me. I also know that a lot of people have it worse, so i shouldnt be complaining. Indont know why im telling you guys this though, i guess i just need to tell someone and Wattpad is closest to me. Sorry if this wasted your time, thanks for reading.


@melanin_princess2005 thank you so much❤❤❤


@Love59ice don't worry sis there will be better days 