
Hey guys I'm fine. I'm ok. I'm here to stay. Just answer my few questions please. 
          	. Did anyone tell Tori. Because she won't talk to me. At all 
          	. Did ANYONE tell my parents. I swear if I get lied to I will rip you harder than Castiel ripped dean after he almost said yes to Michael. I swear 
          	I love you guys. Thank you for all the support it means so much to me.


i told your followers because i was worried. im not sure how you know them though. thank you so much for rethinking your decision. we love you so much, thank you thank you thank you


@Lostgirlinloveagain im sorry if you didnt want me to message them. i was just worried and was running out of options


@lauren4242 they are very close friends of mine


Hey guys I'm fine. I'm ok. I'm here to stay. Just answer my few questions please. 
          . Did anyone tell Tori. Because she won't talk to me. At all 
          . Did ANYONE tell my parents. I swear if I get lied to I will rip you harder than Castiel ripped dean after he almost said yes to Michael. I swear 
          I love you guys. Thank you for all the support it means so much to me.


this message may be offensive
Hattie please. please please answer your phone. please be at school when break is off. i love you and youre a fucking amazing friend. call me back and let me know youre okay. im crying so hard because i want you to be okay. i know its hard for you right now but please, i will make your life better. ill try so fucking hard


@leavingforneverland I love you so much. So much boo. So much


@leavingforneverland Hey guys I'm fine. I'm ok. I'm here to stay. Just answer my few questions please. 
            . Did anyone tell Tori. Because she won't talk to me. At all 
            . Did ANYONE tell my parents. I swear if I get lied to I will rip you harder than Castiel ripped dean after he almost said yes to Michael. I swear 
            I love you guys. Thank you for all the support it means so much to me. I feel lucky to have people like you


Hattie, there are people here for you. Like Des said, there is so much more in life than what youre feeling now and being gone takes away the chance of ever seeing and feeling those beautiful things ahead of you. please answer someone and give us the chance to know and accept you and i swear if youre kind enough to give us the privilege of being your friend, we will love you for who you are. 


@lauren4242 I'm here to stay. I love you all.


Are you ok? Please answer, you're loved and have a life ahead of you. It seems hard now, but it seriously does get better. Butterflies exist, kissing Exists, isn't that beautiful? Life is beautiful, Hattie. You just gotta stick around. I don't even know you and i know you're beautiful and can make this. Just let everyone know you're ok, we won't judge you, we're here for you, we're a family, we care. We can be friends just let us know you're okay. Hang on beautiful, please? We care. We love you.