
Amazing author.  Would highly recommend.  


If you're currently taking reading requests, please consider checking out my story "Cleansing the Soul: Moth." I'm looking for anyone that can comment their honest thoughts ♡ It's a fantasy/paranormal book and below is the blurb. If you're interested I'd love to hear from you! If not, I understand and thank you for even reading this ♡
          Lorelei Myst is caught between living in the past and the rising cusp of adulthood. At 16 years old, she's Claimed as an Earth Fae and set on a path of Magic that she wants no part in.
          Following a brutal attack that leaves her Tribe shattered by the rising death toll. Lorelei is swept away from her world of normality and thrown at the feet of Witches, Werewolves, Vampyres, and the Gods that watch over them.
          No one is safe anymore as he begins to wake from his slumber. Lines are being drawn and sides are being chosen. Lorelei can only pray that her moral compass is strong enough to resist the dark presence tempting her into damnation.


Just wanted to stop in and tell you Lori Forester is happy that you added the book about her. Challenges is exactly how she describes her life when it comes to dealing with 5 brothers and men who think she can't take care of herself. As the writer, I think Lori is loving, talented and a lot of fun. I can't wait for you to meet her.


Thank you. I do look forward to your reaction. :D


@SueHart2 Wonderful! I am looking forward to meeting her as well :-)