
I didn’t want to make a whole chapter out of this but I just wanted to let you guys know there probably won’t be updates in the next couple of weeks bc school is REALLY kicking my a** rn and I need to focus on that first. Thank you for all the love 


You are an amazing writer! I love your content, keep being you!


          I don't want to be that person who tells you to update. Just know that you are an amazing author. Are you okay? If not I am here to talk :)


Hahaaa don’t worry dude totally fine just swamped with school so I’ve got no time for updates. I’ve got a couple nearly complete ones sitting in my docs tho so whenever I update you guys will probably get a whole bunch at once!! Thanks for your concern tho lovely 


I didn’t want to make a whole chapter out of this but I just wanted to let you guys know there probably won’t be updates in the next couple of weeks bc school is REALLY kicking my a** rn and I need to focus on that first. Thank you for all the love 


You are an amazing writer! I love your content, keep being you!