
this message may be offensive
Just thought I would have some fun and post a little blurb from a story I am working on.... even though there's only three of you (Contains a swear)
          	Warmth passed through my body as Cassidy lifted me bruised figure in his arm. If it weren't for the current predicament, I would've kissed him right then and there. But I felt it was an inappropriate time.
          	"I would kiss you too." Cassidy said suddenly. 
          	"Shit," I muttered, "Can you stop doing that?"
          	"Why? Your inner turmoil is like a soap opera."  
          	"And your thoughts are about as original as a High School Teenage Sitcom." I snapped back.
          	Cassidy grinned like the Cheshire cat, "Looks like someone lost the bet."
          	"What bet?" I snapped, before my mouth formed an 'O', "That is no fair! You made me."
          	"Made you what? Be sarcastic?" He chuckled.
          	Love you, my brain uttered. I was suddenly very grateful that I was the mind reader, not Cassidy. 
          	"Fine, what does his royal highness want in compensation?"
          	Another grin, "For you to admit my name looks prettier than yours on paper."


this message may be offensive
Just thought I would have some fun and post a little blurb from a story I am working on.... even though there's only three of you (Contains a swear)
          Warmth passed through my body as Cassidy lifted me bruised figure in his arm. If it weren't for the current predicament, I would've kissed him right then and there. But I felt it was an inappropriate time.
          "I would kiss you too." Cassidy said suddenly. 
          "Shit," I muttered, "Can you stop doing that?"
          "Why? Your inner turmoil is like a soap opera."  
          "And your thoughts are about as original as a High School Teenage Sitcom." I snapped back.
          Cassidy grinned like the Cheshire cat, "Looks like someone lost the bet."
          "What bet?" I snapped, before my mouth formed an 'O', "That is no fair! You made me."
          "Made you what? Be sarcastic?" He chuckled.
          Love you, my brain uttered. I was suddenly very grateful that I was the mind reader, not Cassidy. 
          "Fine, what does his royal highness want in compensation?"
          Another grin, "For you to admit my name looks prettier than yours on paper."