
Double update day tomorrow for The Enchantress Lovers :)


          TW // ed
          Heart of Gold has been unpublished.
          I don’t have the motivation to write that story at the moment with the amount of stressful things going on in my life right now and while I have left it for some time, I decided to unpublish it for now. 
          To put things blunt I’ve recently developed an eating disorder. I have been really struggling recently with coming to turns with it while also dealing with the stress of dropping out of uni and full time work. 
          On top of this I still have issues with writing this story because of what Dani (my ex co-write) did to me. This story was our baby, our collective thought and as much as I’ve tried, I really can’t put pen to paper properly without her. It doesn’t help that I’ve also fallen out of love with Twilight and have no interest writing about it. 
          Therefore seeing the book with 504k reads and hundreds of notifications on the story everyday, bashing me for Dani’s mistakes, pleading for updates and critiquing the characters - I can’t help but feel terrible. 
          This doesn’t mean it won’t be back but I need to put my health first and if unpublishing this story if going to help me, that’s what I’m going to do. 
          I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed everyone. 


@LornaNaylor do what's best for you girl <3<3<3


Hi all,
          So it’s been a while. 
          I’m so sorry if it feels like I’ve been neglecting you all for the past 5 months but trust me that’s not been the case.
          Back in August Wattpad suddenly locked me out of my account. I had no idea why nor how and I was absolutely devastated at that fact. I thought that maybe it was an update glitch, so I left it a couple days but to no prevail. I asked my friends to check on my account to see if it was still up which luckily it was but I still had no way to access it. I went through every step I could, two step verification, changing passwords and contacting Wattpad support team only to have nothing come back. 
          I honestly thought I’d lost my account and all my books. Until finally a few weeks ago (after many attempts and some panicked emails to the support team again) I managed to log back in. 
          I want to thank you all for your patience with me and I will try to get my updates out as soon as possible.
          Lots of love,


@LornaNaylor Of course I understand the pain of writers block all to well I have several books that I need to update but I can't seem to come up with an idea for the chapters I haven't updated in two months because of this.


@Sara_Stars_Moon none of my stories are discontinued. It’s just I’m suffering with major writers block on top of full time work. There will be updates as soon as I have the motivation to write. Thank you for taking an interest in my stories. 


Hi I’m so glad you’re back so I was wondering will you be updating Heart of Gold or is it discontinued?


Hey guys! This is one of Lorna's friends and currently, wattpad isn't allowing her to log back into her account so that's why she hasn't been active lately. Also she's recently started uni and it's been difficult adjusting to the workload and whatnot. Please be patient about updates and responses from her and pray that she can log back in soon (or spam wattpad about it. Either works in my opinion.)
          Thank you. 


alright! was she able to get logged back in?


My response to why I have been inactive/a lack of updates:
          1 - I am currently in the process of moving house and preparing for uni. Any spare time I do have I spend packing and preparing for a fresh start and it’s very time consuming. 
          2- I practically work full time. Before we even decided we were moving I started working full time to save up money for uni. I work 4/5 days a week and over 30 hours on my 8 hour contract. I am always very stressed and tired after work because of this and lack motivation to write. 
          3 - I (surprisingly) have some sort of a social life! I meet up with my friends when I can and they hold priority over my writing! It is them that inspire some of my characters and motivate me to write!


Your doing fine. I understand how it feels working 30 hours or more. 