
I'm going to be writing a book! I've finally decided to actually put a dream I had into writing. I haven't come up with a name for the book yet, and I don't have a set date for when I'll start publishing, but I do have the first 3 chapters pre-written, as well as the whole story line planned-out (thank you unconscious storytelling brain) So, if you would be so kind as to take a look at what I'm writing when I post it I would be very happy.


@jack_r_d you’re so real for that


@LordCheeseRat thanks! I’ll most likely check it out lol (my college work will probably give me time but at this point I expect the unexpected and roll with the punches)


@jack_r_d I’m not planning on posting anything until I’ve got a lot of it done, but when I start publishing I’ll let you know :)


I'm going to be writing a book! I've finally decided to actually put a dream I had into writing. I haven't come up with a name for the book yet, and I don't have a set date for when I'll start publishing, but I do have the first 3 chapters pre-written, as well as the whole story line planned-out (thank you unconscious storytelling brain) So, if you would be so kind as to take a look at what I'm writing when I post it I would be very happy.


@jack_r_d you’re so real for that


@LordCheeseRat thanks! I’ll most likely check it out lol (my college work will probably give me time but at this point I expect the unexpected and roll with the punches)


@jack_r_d I’m not planning on posting anything until I’ve got a lot of it done, but when I start publishing I’ll let you know :)


Okay, I have a question for you all. Would you guys be interested in reading a murder mystery where we sometimes get views from the murderer before they off the victim, plus the main pov is from a kid in highschool (shocker) Who is trying to solve the murders along with their best friend. They started trying to solve the, mystery because some of the people who started going missing (and eventually found dead) were people from the their school. 
          I want to write this, but I'm still coming up with he plot and everything. I also didn't want to start writing unless I was sure somebody would read it.


@InspiredWriterStory as the first person to respond, what do you think the title should be?


          Okay, so we're doing these concrete poems for ELA rn, and I can't decide which poem I want to do for the project. While we were doing the brainstorming thing, I had a few ideas, so I wrote 3 poems instead of 1. Can y'all vote on which one I should do? the assignment is due first hour tomorrow.
          Poem 1:
          "The flowers they grow
          in the spring or the snow
          While some look like they're gone
          they're merely waiting for their turn
          Each one is unique
          From the blossom to the root underneath
          And while some seem useless or dull
          there is a reason for them all
          While some smell sweet and others of rot
          they all have a purpose
          understood or not
          In bunches or single
          their petals they bloom
          Some well past evening
          Some only until noon"
          Poem 2:
          "Books and words
          My simple delight
          The stories they tell
          of such great might
          The mysteries and adventures
          the characters follow
          And I follow along
          My thoughts no longer hollow
          Everything described
          Most likely important
          But my warnings to the characters
          Are often impotent"
          Poem 3:
          "The birds they fly high
          Up in the big big sky
          So far and free
          Singing "you wish you were me!"
          So many colors and shapes
           Different songs that they sing
          So many ways for them to live
          Whether they be small or big
          Though one might be caught
          by a cat or a hawk
          they still stick together
          no matter the weather
          through rain or shine
          they fly to tomorrow
          side by side"
          plEASE please help me choose a poem for the assignment. The whole unit it belongs to is a test grade and I can't afford to fail TwT


@The_sunniest_angels I'm thinking about making a book dedicated to this project and the advice I might want to ask. So, you might get to see the finished product of all of these poems tomorrow :D


@FandomTrodder3000 I vote the first one! I think it’s the most artistic and profound :) 


I've written all of them out how we're supposed to, but Idk which one to turn in.


this message may be offensive
SO, put a finger down if you have autism and you’ve ever had to drive two hours to your asshole dads house that smells like shit, has no hot water or gas, and when you got there it’s midnight you’re dizzy, tired, and carsick. All you want to do is lay down and go to sleep, but your dad comes up to you and demands you give him a hug. You say no, but he refuses and continually keeps advancing towards you, arms out and “playfully” saying “gimme a hug, gimme a hug.” Even going so far as to ignore you when you start to say NO rather loudly. At this point, you’re now crying because it’s just all to much, and you just want to be done with it all. After you physically shove your dads chest to get him to back off, he apologizes… and the follows it up with a butt-hurt “Am I not allowed to goof around with you anymore?” Trying to manipulate you into apologizing to HIM for making ‘such a big deal out of nothing’ when he just wanted to play around. And you can’t even explain to him that violating your very clear boundaries and making you feel unsafe all in the sake of ‘fun’ is not okay, because he does this every time, and just wants to do what he wants regardless of what anybody tries to tell him….
          *puts finger down*


Okay, there's just been something bugging me for a while that I need to ask. So if God (The christian one) has a plan for everything, but he also gave us free will, don't those things conflict with eachother? I mean, if we can do whatever we like, it can't be part of Gods plan, right? for example, if I truly had free will, then I could just go and murder some random person, because I chose to. But then, what if God had a specific plan for that person, and I just ruined it? Some might say that "it was God's plan for that person to be murdered," but then if it was his plan, then it wasn't my choice, and therefore I do not have free agency to do what I wish. If we all had free will to do what we like without God's interference, then we wouldn't be constantly ruining his plans? I guess if he's all-knowing and all-powerful then he can plan for every event that might happen, but if he has a plan for every single outcome, does that mean that whatever I choose is meaningless, and what God wants will happen o matter what? And there's also the fact that if anything he want's to happen will eventually happen with his careful planning, does that mean he regularly plans for things like mass murders, tornado's, and hurricanes to come kill many innocent people? I just don't understand how God could be both simultaneously all-knowing, all-powerful, and also all-good. If he is all- knowing and all-powerful, then he isn't all good. And if he is all-good and all-powerful, then he can't be all-knowing. 
          Anywho, that's what I'm thinking right now. I don't really believe in God, and I'm not hating on or trying to persuade anyone else from believing in God either. I'm just asking for some clarifications on what exactly people who do believe in God actually believe about him, and his influence on us and the Earth.


@Sybilz They didn't think to hard at least


@Sybilz So what you're saying is, men created God so that they didn't have to think,and therefore didn't think when they created God.


A ,message to my followers *Ahem*...
          Drink your fakin' water, eat food, and take a nap. You body will thank me it works wonders, I swear.


@TooManyFandomsHelp1 my summoning skills have been lacking as of late, so I can't actually stop you :l


          ✨If you get..✨
          ✨Ten back... ✨
          ✨Then you....✨
          ✨Are really... ✨
          ✨Special <3✨


I would copy and paste back, but my keyboard stopped doing that for some reason. Thank you though.


@BiAutisticMess good to know that I'm considered nice. 


Yoooooo I found your YouTube account!


No I was singed in as a guest so I didn’t comment.