@LoveHorse99 hii, i most likely will be writing more to Fine Line, I'm just finishing up with writing Hey Angel, and then Fine Line will be next on the list! Also thank you so muchh
no way Hey Angel hit 100k reads!!
I'm so greatful for all the people who follow me because of that book, and to the people who enjoy it enough to comment on every chapter. Thank you all so much for supporting my writing.
Hii, i have a question. I’m from germany nd everyday your chapter come out at 9am, I’m assuming youre from the US do you chapters come out at 3am there??
none of you guys care BUT i was just listening to my playlist as i was writing 4k words worth of maxel, and Talking to the Moon came on and i genuinely don't know if i wanted to smile or cry. but i'm kind of just sitting here in agony.