


@diezzygirl Hiii!!!! I miss you so much ToT


Hello guys ! I decided to quit Wattpad for a bit ! 
          The reason is because most of the people here who are my idols don't really uses this ( except two of them ) app . And my online school won't let me go on Wattpad which sucks so I will be on Quora instead !
          But I must warn you , I'm a TOTALLY different person there ! I'm also a Kuoran . ( k-Quora ) 
          Another thing , I will come back from time to time but rarely ! ^^ 
          So yeah I'm sorry that I wouldn't update my art book as well I hope I don't disappoint you guys TwT 
          My Quora : ://www.quora.com/profile/AbbieDraws


Basically "Your Boyfriend Game " : 


@Abbie_Draws11 That image basically sums up fangirls and fictional characters ._.


@Abbie_Draws11     h m, I'm gonna see what the hekk that is


            Haha ! XD so you know that game as well ? I haven't played it or watch the walkthroughs yet because I'm only 17 T^T 
            But I do watch memes , and animatics about it ! ✨


Me : " hey mom - " 
          Mom : " no." 
          Me : " I didn't even said anything ! ! " Q^Q
          Mom : * laughs * " Anyway what do you want ? " 
          Me : " Alrighty , umm - Can I get Snapchat and Instagram  ? " 
          Mom : " Now that , is a definitely a NO ! " 
          Me : " What ?! Why ?! Everyone has it , and all I have is Facebook and Wattpad ! "  q-q
          Mom : " well , too bad . now leave me alone ! " 
          Yeah - this just happened to me a few hours ago qwq 
          I don't get strict parents sometimes  T^T


            Oh - 
            I feel so bad for you though ! T^T


            Excuse me what ?! ÒnÓ
            Even if your a girl , you can still have social media ! !


            Oh my gosh bro - are we like twins or something ? QwQ
            But like - if I'm being honest , my parents don't know that I have wattpad because they think I would spill personal information or something q-q


Yolo ! Wassup my Broski? 
          I made a new book ! 
          Its called Wip/Test book ! 
          I kinda made that because I'm finally ungrounded of my drawing Tablet ! ^^; 
          And now that I have it back , I'm testing if I still have my artist touch ! :] 
          Anyway , see you later ! ❤


Yo wassup my Broski ? 
          I just want to ask you guys something , and I would like to have some feedback please  
          Anyway , I have been wondering about starting a YouTube channel and I wanna do StoryTime Video  ●︿●
          After Bing-watching  Relachi , (aka a lesbian story time animator ) 
          I wanted to do what she does :] 
          But the thing is , I only have flipaclip and a Amazon for tablet (O∆O)
          Most of you guys will probably say " just buy another one " 
          But ! I simply can't do that , my parents want me to " Save " my money and use it for college . 
          ( eventhoughttheytakemymoneymostofthetimeAHEM- ) 
          So yeah - 
          But that doesn't stop me from trying it out ! :] 
          Right now , I want your guys opinions about this . 
          Should I go for it and become someone ? 
          Or , 
          Should I just use Wattpad and be a nobody ? 
          Its your choice ! (Kinda ) 
          And Thank you…(´人`●)SOOOOO━━\(´∀`●)/━━MUCH!!


So , I'm back ! ! :'D 
          Kinda - 
          I should probably explain lol 
          A couple or few days ago , I decided to close my Wattpad Account . 
          Why ? Well , because I kinda felt like I was wasting my time on here for some odd reason :[ 
          Anyway , I wanted to apologize for my friends , girlfriend and followers for closing my account . I'm sorry ! ! I wasn't really thinking !  T-T
          I hope you guys forgive me :']


            Thanks Raven !
            I'm glad i'm back -v-


@Abbie_Draws11 Welcome back, we're glad to see you ^v^