
Okay… here me out: 
          	A My Hero Academia x Teen Beach crossover fic. 
          	Eh? Ehh? ‍♀️


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I've got an idea, but idk if I should put the effort into it. A vigilante deku fic. I’ve already started planning it but I’m not sure if I should post it on here. I planned out a couple parts of it in a group chat, and I guess I’ll paste that in here (possible spoiler alert so I’ve your interested in this fic then I recommend skipping this) 
          shindeku friendship 
          Aizawa makes deku go to UA so he can keep an eye on him and bkg has a full on fucking panic attack bc he though he was dead 
          Deku and Eri are best friend's 
          deku solos all those nigga fist-to-fist bc he's still quirkless OR he has the power from All for One and he solos them with that 
          shiggy and deku know each other and during the USJ thing they meet and are all like “whoa tf you doing here?” and then it flashes back to like the two of them in their childhood being friends and they both considered All for One as a father figure so they grew up as brothers, so when dekj has to fight him at the USJ it's like “fuck I gotta beat up my home boy?” so they have a battle royal until All Might shows up (deku doesn't like All Might because that's what he was thought by Afo so they both have this shared hatred for All Might but something happens and deku gets knocked up but when he wakes up all he sees is smoke and kurogiris portal, so he races for it just as Shiggys about to walk on and shiggy says “we *will* meet again” and then the portal closes and dekus like super conflicted and then Ururaka drags him away from the porta, forcing him to push back all his thoughts and he checks on aizawa and seeing his condition he's like “damn my home boy did all that?” so he visits him at the hospital where he formally meet present mic and he introduces himself as aizawas husband and dekus like “MOTH MANS GAY???”
          If you couldn’t tell I was literally just thinking out loud


            Got thanks! 


I like this , I kinda want deli to actually say “ ayo mah home boy shigi” I think this is a great idea