
Just lost my 50/50 to  Mona
          	I’m out of cash and out of primos. 
          	God damn it mona this is why I hate you now I’m gonna have to wait for cyno’s next banner in three years  and I wanted to pull on Albedo :/ 


So here’s a weird idea of mine 
          So…Xiao is over 2000 years old right?
          And khaenri'ah was destroyed about 500 years ago according to Genshin lore 
          Hear me out. I don’t know how this idea came to me but I was thinking. 
          What if there was an Adeptus  (I’m gonna say with a dendro vision) who was favored by the god dust. 
          This Adeptus was favored by Guizhong, a close relationship much like that of a mother and her child. So the Adeptus was often referred to as the child of dust 
          After Guizhong died, Morax- the god of contracts, and the geo archon made a promise to protect and/or care for this ill-fated child
          Let’s say this child of dust who once visited the godless lands of khaenri’ah had met the former captain of the Royal Guard, Dainsleif 
          The two had grown Found of each other, though their own duties to their respected nations kept them busy, they were never far from the longing they felt towards each other. 
          Part 1


They interrupted him with pained yet hateful glare “Do not refer to me by the name she granted. You have no right to do so.” 
            Their words cut like knives as they took a few steps back. 
            “This is cruel Morax. You know very well that this treatment is unfair and unjust. She would not have-“ 
            “Do not claim to know what she would have wanted.” The god of contracts voice was loud, full of fury as he glared down at the Adeptus. 
            Looking down towards the ground the child of dust soon spoke, their body shaking slightly as they refused  to make eye contact.
            “From today on words I will continue to fulfill my contract. But that is all I shall do. My loyalty will no longer lie with you, but with the nation I have agreed to protect. And… you may not ever refer to me by the name she granted. You lose the right to ever do so again. From today onwards I want you visiting my domain, or her final resting place… I don’t wish for the blood of thousands of innocent people tainting the sacred grounds.” 
            With the words finally leaving their lips they fled back to their homeland, only returning to the godless nation days after the massacre ended, hoping to give the people a proper burial.  Only to find nothing but a gigantic crater and a single Inteyvat flower. 


And the child of dust rushing to confront the gods that dared to harm the one they cared for 
            Leaving the city walls they came into contact with the god of freedom. The irony of his title bringing a pained grin to their face. 
            But the look on the gods face seemed to be one of pure terror as they saw the Adeptus approach 
            “Child of dust you’re not-“
            He was caught off by the Adeptus speaking “What is this?” Their pained voice, strained as they tried not to let out a sob. 
            Though the Adeptus was powerful by themselves they knew that it was foolish to try and fight against the gods. 
            The ground shook once again, cracks forming along the surface as people fell down into them, the destruction indiscriminate, men, women, children, everyone. 
            No one was safe as long as they were citizens of the godless nation. 
            “The god of freedom, unable to allow others to have their own. It’s a cruel irony.” 
            The god turned from the Adeptus, his gaze now fixated on the man in front of him. 
            Morax, god of contracts. His expression hidden under his hood as he stared past the god of freedom 
            Slowly approaching the Child of dust he spoke “You’re not suppose to be here.” 
            His voice was cold and flat unlike the Adeptus had ever heard before. “Morax what’s going on here..? What did these people ever do to deserve this?!” 
            The pain in their voice was as obvious as the destruction within the city walls 
            “Child of dust I-“
            Part 4


The two stared at each other in otter shock as the screams of the people only got louder. Giant pillars of geo flooding the streets the ground shaking beneath the two. 
            The pair rushed out to the city streets, their sights set on a horrid seen. Citizens running to leave the city, boys and girls sobbing in the arms of their mothers and fathers. Complete chaos. And at the center? The gods. 
            Once again dainsleif took his beloveds hands into his, the two shared a glance as he soon spoke 
            “It seems as if it is the time for us to part once more, though I am not sure we will be able to see each other once more after this is over.” He slowly let go of their hands, his own taking a small item from his pocket “You have always gifted me with gifts of magnitudes I could never hope to recreate…So take this instead, as a token of our time together, and for all the time that we have yet to have been able to spend side by side.” 
            He moved their hair out of the wait, attaching the necklace around their neck as tears spilled down their cheeks, hitting the ground silently as he brought his forehead to theirs 
            “Though I do not know if I shall be able to embrace you once more after this, I will forever hold our memories dear to my heart. But for now my lovely moth,  go towards a lighter place, one not so filled with bloodshed” 
            The Adeptus could  barely speak as tears flooded their vision, they held onto the love in front of him, not wanting to let go, but knowing they had to. 
            With a shaky breath they soon spoke, though their words came out quiet. 
            “Than… I beg of you… if you are to die, don’t die by conditions of the gods but by your own.” 
            Once last embrace, one last tearful embrace as the two soon separated, The Adeptus watching their lover hurry to protect the people of his nation.
            Part 3


Ya know…my kazuha has three 5 star artifacts, my sucrose’s artifacts are all 5 stars 
          I have both on my team I just love my sucrose, kazuha may have a better cooldown and all that stuff but sucrose was the first character I got from the starter banner (that wasn’t a guarantee) I’ve had her for the longest and I’m proud to say that I main her.
          Also she’s just adorable 


Ok so I play obey me and I’ve been thinking about this for a while but hear me out 
          And warning ⚠️ ⚠️ SPOILERS 
          AU where the mc doesn’t immediately come back after their choked out by belphie.  But when they do come back they are vengeful. Like imagine the song Revived by Derivacat 
          And I kept thinking about this cause my mc has one strip of white in their hair, so I kept thinking about this while I listened to the song 
          Yes I am a Minecraft fan too lol 
          Anyways that’s my idea for the day I will come back with more details later. I’m tired 


People like you are the reason people like me have the biggest degrading kink and praising kink please praise and degrade me mommy/daddy/punisher


Oh wow that’s direct, but I didn’t think you’d be such a slut to ask a random person to degrade you, kinda pathetic. But you’re cute so I’ll let it slide~ 


this message may be offensive
I- so a while ago my friend and I took one of those bdsm quiz things and I got like a brat and I made a joke saying “I guess I’m a brat with a praise and degradation kink lol” 
          So the first I took this quiz with remembers it at the weirdest times CAUSE EARLIER IN THE FUCKING DAY 
          I was being a lil shit, just being bratty, and causing problems for the fun of it and this chick- she stood up looked down at me and said “You’re real good at having an attitude but if you keep it up you won’t like were this goes.” 
          I DIED LIKE HOLD UP  
          I felt like I was in fanfiction- why is she hot- what I don’t- HEH?????