
Why hello there you guys and girl( for the feminist). I will be drafting a new book which I WILL CONTINUE, i don't exactly what it will be about but it will contain what all of you want, BOY X BOY!!!!!!! lol well on to the rest i don't know much yet about what i want to write about but i am getting there. SO when i post the title i will add and an AN and a teaser so you get a little taste of it.
          	I might release it tonight who knows, yeah maybe tonight, SO BE EXCITED.( all 9 followers) >-<. Please Excuse my schedule for writing cause i just started high school, and i am a little off the chart with talking and socializing do to all the homework but i will fit in time. See you guys tonight, or will it even be me? makes no sense but what ever. BE EXCITED!


Why hello there you guys and girl( for the feminist). I will be drafting a new book which I WILL CONTINUE, i don't exactly what it will be about but it will contain what all of you want, BOY X BOY!!!!!!! lol well on to the rest i don't know much yet about what i want to write about but i am getting there. SO when i post the title i will add and an AN and a teaser so you get a little taste of it.
          I might release it tonight who knows, yeah maybe tonight, SO BE EXCITED.( all 9 followers) >-<. Please Excuse my schedule for writing cause i just started high school, and i am a little off the chart with talking and socializing do to all the homework but i will fit in time. See you guys tonight, or will it even be me? makes no sense but what ever. BE EXCITED!


GOD I HATE MYSELF. sorry for the books not being written. i will start fresh with a new book. SO>>>>> stay tuned it will be out in watt pad about 12:00 tonight hehe i am a night bug. It will be a BoyxBoy thing so ( PSST, i am a main character. but my name  will be changed for personal reasons. thanks for reading this update and just remember. " One can see the light even in the darkest of times, if only one would remember to turn the light on" ~ R.I.P Albus Dumbledore


my bad hehehe it will be a preview of the book haha you'll have to wait till later ehh maybe tonight>