
I promise I’m still working on ‘Black Sheep.’ Life has just been getting in the way cause of school and work. 2nd chapter is coming together. Will post a teaser on my tik tok tomorrow. TT name is in my description!
          	~ Lolli


I promise I’m still working on ‘Black Sheep.’ Life has just been getting in the way cause of school and work. 2nd chapter is coming together. Will post a teaser on my tik tok tomorrow. TT name is in my description!
          ~ Lolli


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Hello everyone who came to my page and followed me! 
          Firstly, thank you for the follow, I really appreciate it *hearts* You are now my lollipops!
          Secondly, I have a book called Voyeur, which is a collection of short stories involving black people, and I already uploaded the first chapter of my 3 part bxb story ‘Black Sheep’ so if you haven’t read it already PLEASE DO!!! I am half way done with the second part and I’m aiming to upload it by Saturday. I would have gotten it done sooner but I’ve been trying I’ve been trying to turn in school work for this last marking period. 
          Right now, I’m continuing to write and trust me when I say that Owen got himself into even more shit at this wedding (this is also the chapter where he meets his love interest *wink wink* )
          I’ll be back ;)
          ~ Lolli