
Chapter 3 of Darkness Surrounding
          	Ready and waiting for you.
          	Happy Reading Loves!


Just a quick update, Darkness Surrounding (the new verison of If I Fall) is now up on, and awaiting approval on Hawthorne and Vine as well as Granger Enchanted. You can find it by searching that title or Lola2Hatta. I'm currently working on the 3rd chapter which WILL NOT BE POSTED ON WATTPAD. If you have any trouble finding it please feel to message me here. Happy Reading Loves.


Hi Bunny! (Cute name),
          I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your Dramione story, it's like a diamond among the stones.. If that's even a saying, hehe. I love how you've captured Draco's personality so perfectly, he's my favourite fictional character and I have read a LOT of fanfictions where he's OOC, so I'm loving yours.
          I just read your little "about me" section and we're actually pretty similar. I'm in my twenty's too, I dabbled in modeling and studied Photography for a while, and my main two passions are writing and reading!! And then there's the fact that we both love Draco and write fanfictions about him, hehe. 
          Anyway, stay awesome my friend. Love, Evangeline xo